依類型 族群 主題   
2003.06.01 ~ 2005.06.01
佐藤春夫文學中的異文化書寫-以<旅人><霧社>為中心(Writing OtherCulture: Satou Haruo''s
族群: 泰雅族   
主題: 文學、歷史  
作者 曾大偉(Da Wei, Tseng )
學校系所 輔仁大學日本語文學系
地點 全臺 全部  

[ 摘要 ]
[ 英文摘要 ]
Satou Haruo visited Taiwan and Fu-Jian in the summer of 1920. He recorded what he experienced in Taiwan and wrote about 10 stories about this place. He wrote down what he saw and how the ruling policy was practicing in Taiwan during the Japanese Colonial Period, including what he saw as the points of view of the colonized, in which shows his sympathy to Taiwan people. In this thesis, I discuss Satou Haruo’s “Tabibito” “Musya”to investigate the differences among Japanese contemporary culture, aboriginal culture, and minor Chinese culture. In this part I emphasize especially the difference, interaction and critics among them. I divide Writing Otherculture into the following: The critics against Modernism/outer cultures, the interaction between the traditions and the modern world, dissatisfactory to traditional cultures, descriptions of the traditional cultures, the difficulties of the colonized women, use of language and words, the attitudes and opinions of the Japanese settlers in Taiwan, and the major issues in education. I attempt to investigate what Satou Haruo sees about Taiwan.
The thesis includes five chapters. In Chapter One, I introduce the motive and goal, the range of my study and the research. In Chapter Two, I precede the meaning of colonialism and the development of world colonial history. Then I divide the three parts as the previous period of the military officer of Taiwan, the civilian Governor General, and the late period of the military officer. In this chapter, I discuss the ruling policy of Japanese Colonial Period. In the end, I try to tell the meaning and method of the study in Writing Otherculture. In Chapter Three, I attempt to make a textual study in “Tabibito”. First, I present the process of Japanese people’s the immigrations to other countries, and those people’s characteristics and situations. And then those people’s the ideology to Taiwan. And then I try to discuss the writing of otherness between cultures. Chapter Four is about “Musya”. I introduce Taiwan’s aboriginals’ situation, Japan’s ruling policy, and the cause and compact of Saramao against Japan Government. And then I try to discuss the writing of otherness between cultures.
In conclusion of Chapter Five, I list the writing of the two texts, and compare the Writing OtherCulture. In the end, I discuss Satou Haruo’s point of view and observation.