依類型 族群 主題   
2001.06.01 ~ 2003.06.01
花蓮縣萬榮鄉布農族學生族群認同階段性發展之研究(The Development of Ethnic Identity among the Bunun Students in Different Learning Stages)
族群: 布農族   
主題: 法律政治、身心發展  
作者 李春慧(Lee Chun Huei )
學校系所 慈濟大學教育研究所
地點 花蓮縣 萬榮鄉    

[ 摘要 ]


本研究之主要發現如下: 一、布農族學生的整體族群認同並沒有因不同學習階段而有顯著改變。 二、布農族女生的整體族群認程度高於男生。 三、不同學習階段的布農族男生在族群認同之「族群歸屬感」與「族群態度」兩項因素上有差異:「族群歸屬感」部份,國小男生顯著高於國中與高中職男生;「族群態度」部份,國小男生顯著低於國中及高中職男生,但國中與高中職則沒有顯著差異。 四、布農族女生在族群認同之「族群態度」因素上有差異:國小女生顯著低於國中女生。 五、國小階段布農族女生的「族群態度」顯著高於男生。 六、高中職學生訪談資料顯示高族群認同者顯現出下列特性:與家人互動關係良好、生活適應能力較佳、具有較高的自尊、與族群傳統連結關係較為密切,且主動積極參與相關活動;低族群認同者則顯示相反的趨勢。

[ 英文摘要 ]

This study explored the effects of different genders and learning stages (ranging from grades 5-6, junior high, to high school) to the development of ethnic identity among 188 Bunun students in Wan-rong Township, Hualien, Taiwan. Statistical analyses were applied to the results on the Ethnic Identity Scale. Interview method was adopted as complementary to an understanding of the quantitative findings. The analyses indicated that: 1. The students overall scores on ethnic identity did not change significantly in various learning stages. 2. Female students overall score of ethnic identity is significantly higher than that of male students. 3. The male students at different learning stages illustrated significant differ- ences on the sense of ethnic belonging and ethnic attitudeson the first scale, the elementary school students gained higher scores than junior high and high school students; on the later, the elementary students showed significantly lower score than high school students, but no difference between elementary and junior high students. 4. The elementary female students score on Ethnic Attitudes is lower than that for high school female students. 5. The score of Ethnic Attitudes among the female elementary school students is higher than that of male students. 6. Interviews of high school students indicated that students with higher scores on ethnic identity tend to demonstrate the following trends: better interpersonal relationships in the family, more adaptive in daily life, higher self-esteem, more closely involved with traditional customs and more actively participated in the community activities; the opposite tendency was characteristic of those with lower scores.