依類型 族群 主題   
2000.06.01 ~ 2002.06.01
學校本位概念下的音樂課程設計-- 以烏來福山國小為例(Accommodating a Aboriginal Music Course within the School-Based Curriculum─with Fu-shan Elementary School in Wu-lai as the Example)
族群: 泰雅族   
主題: 音樂、一般教育  
作者 蔡杏絃(Tsai Hsing-Hsuan )
學校系所 東吳大學音樂學系
地點 全臺 全部  



[ 英文摘要 ]

This thesis begins by examining the conception of the school-based in the school curriculum, and it relies both on the investigation of field survey data and on reports of personal learning experiences. The main research objective of this thesis is to preserve the musical culture of the Atayal aboriginal tribe in a music course at Fu-shan Elementary. It is also hoped that in the process of learning about their own cultural background, Atayal children will be inspired with native pride and will better understand their traditional culture. In this way, traditional indigenous culture may be passed on to future generations.

The first chapter is the preface, wherein the field of inquiry and research methodology is introduced and the relevant bibliographical literature investigated. The second chapter focuses on the geographical environment and cultural appearance circumstance surround of Fu-shan Elementary, on the village history and the appearance of Atayal tribe, and also on the living backgrounds of students.With the profound understanding of these factors will benefit the curriculum design in the future,the vernacular can be included and the materials can be linked up with the life experiences of the students. The third chapter surveys the traditional music culture of Atayal people, including traditional songs and instruments, and proceeds to combine with the educational function served by this musical tradition. The fourth chapter is concerned with the design of a aboriginal music course. First, the main content of such a course is planned out, and then the special features of traditional Atayal culture are represented through the manner of compilation of the teaching materials. Furthermore, a flexible design is used to devise a variety of teaching activities that include both the language and the music of Atayal tribe. The fifth chapter introduces the evaluation of the curriculum plannings and teaching materials and its implementation. The sixth chapter is the conclusion, which additionally recommends, supplements, adjusts, and compiles authentic native teaching materials that are both characteristic of school-based curriculum features and also reflect the content of tribal culture. It is expected that this course may be systematically edited into general knowledge teaching materials and known throughout in Taiwan. It is also hoped that teachers with an intimate knowledge of aboriginal culture and course design ability will be trained to teach the course in the relevant schools.