依類型 族群 主題   
1996.06.01 ~ 1998.06.01
汐止花東新村邊緣性日常生活的居住建構(Xi-ji Hwa-dong Xing-tsun The Dwelling Construction of Marginal Everyday Life)
族群: 阿美族   
主題: 法律政治  
作者 羅家龍(Lo- Chia Lone )
學校系所 中原大學室內設計學系
地點 全臺 全部  

[ 摘要 ]

本論文試圖以汐止花東新村,一個都市原住民違建的集居地 ,做為深入研究的對象.以社會權力制度 ,主體生活實踐和身體的空間再現等做為思考的角度,來解析阿美族原住民遷居至都市後,如何在中心社會機制的剝削中,集體建構出都市日常生活的居住空間,並透過社會辯證的過程,由研究者詮釋這個居住空間的意義.為了能夠關照原住民的主體性與文化差異性,並跳脫研究者自身習以為常的認知觀點,以反省,批判中心社會的方式,試圖呈現資本主義社會合法化過程中的不合理現象,並回歸原住民認知的真實世界.於是本文以三大研究主題做為認識論的基礎,即中心與邊緣,日常生活和居住空間.透過這三研究主題與前述思考角度的結合,希冀能夠揭示阿美族原住民在都市邊陲空間的真實生活世界與棲居的空間建構. 首先第一章緒論部份簡介了花東新村的概況,並釐清筆者自身的思考理路,且說明為何採用質性研究的方式,來貼近個案的特殊性和取得正確的資料.第二章權力制度剝削的弱勢的部份是以社會巨觀的角度,透過中心與邊緣的認識論,來審視批判權力制度機制如何形塑出原住民的弱勢處境,並呈現他們從前的謀生經驗,當他們定居花東新村後,在日常生活中又面臨了哪些的社會力量的影響.第三章邊緣族群的生活體現的部份是著重在主体性的生活實踐,藉由對日常生活微觀的了解,分析這群都市原住民如何在弱勢的社會條件下,經營具有都市與部落雙元特質的生活世界.第四章做家的居住建構是呈現都市原住民身體空間化的歷程,他們如何藉由工作場所取得的建構技術與材料,來建構自屬認同的家園.並透過對居住與家的認識論,來解析花東新村這一個日常生活的棲居空間.第五章研究詮釋與反思的部份,主要是提出居住空間的社會辯證,一方面是研究者自身對此一居住空間的詮釋,並對居民生活中的內在衝突提出觀點,另一方面則是對花東新村遷村事件提出筆者的看法.第六章結論的部份則論證了花東新村是社會生產邊緣身體的空間實踐,他們在此過著都市與部落雙元的日常生活,並且創造了此一棲居空間的主體中心意義.

[ 英文摘要 ]

This thesis attempts to use Xi-ji Hua-dong Xing-tsun,a gathering of squatter by the aboriginalpeople living in city, as the research target. In this thesis, I delve into the topic from three differentpoint of views: Social Power System, the Practice of Subject''''s Daily-Life, and the Representation ofBody Space. From the above three, I analyze how the Amis aboriginal people survive in the exploitation of central social system after moving to the city. In order to take the culturaldifferences into consideration and respect the subjectivity of aboriginal people, I employ a reflectiveand critical way fo thinking to liberate from author''''s cognition. I,therefore,use three theories asresearch bases: Center and Margin, Everyday Life, and Dwelling Construction. By using thesethree research theories, I hope to disclose the real living world and the structure of Amis aborigine''''sliving space. In Chapter I, Introduction, I introduce the situation of Hua-dong Xing-tsun and explain why Iemploy the qualitative methodology, now I win the subjects'''' trust, and finally obtain the accurateinformation from them. In Chapter II, The Weak under the Exploitation of Power System,byseeing from the world view, and using Center and Margin cognitive theory as well, I examine andcriticize how the power system makes the aborigines into the weak. In Chapter III ,Marginal GroupEveryday Life, I focus on the subject''''s daily-life. I look into their life and analyze how the weakunder the society system run their life with both the peculiarities of city and tribe life. In ChapterIV,Being a Home,the Dwelling Construction, I reveal the fact of how these aborigines use thematerial and techniques from the factory to construct their own home. In Chapeter V, Research, Explanation and Rethinking, mainly I present the argument between living space amd the society.On one hand, I tender my explanation of the living space; on the other hand, I point out the struggleof the residents. In Chapter VI, Conclusion, I demonstrate that Hua-dong Xing-tsun is the practiceof marginal-body space. These aborigines achieve their everyday life on both city and tribe bases.They also create a new meaning of the dwelling in the city.