依類型 族群 主題   
1995.06.01 ~ 1997.06.01
阿美族民俗舞蹈對原住民智能障礙學生之自我概念和人格適應影響之研究(The Study of the Effective of Amis Folk Dance on Self-Concept and Personality Adjustment in Aboriginal Students with Mental Retardation)
族群: 阿美族   
主題: 舞蹈、學術研究  
作者 洪清一(HORNG, CHING-I )
學校系所 國立彰化師範大學特殊教育學系
地點 全臺 全部  

[ 摘要 ]

本研究的目的在於探討阿美族民俗舞蹈對原住民智能障礙學生自我概念和人格適應之影響。本研究以準實驗設計將受試者分成實驗組與控制組,對實驗組作為期十六週之阿美族民俗舞蹈教學。本研究並以人種誌訪談瞭解經阿美族民俗舞蹈教學後對實驗組成員自我概念和人格適應等方面之影響與改變。主要的研究結果顯示:一、 實驗組在自我滿意、能力自我、心理自我、社會自我、自我認同、道德倫理自我及總自我概念等之後測之得分平均數高於控制組,但是並未均達顯著水準差異現象;實驗組並在自我滿意、能力自我、自我認同和道德倫理自我等之追蹤測驗之得分平均數高於控制組,但是亦並未均達顯著水準差異現象。二、 實驗組在學校關係、家庭關、社會標準、反社會的傾向、退縮傾向及社會技能等之後測之得分平均數高於控制組,但是並未均達顯著水準差異現象;實驗組並在學校關係和社會標準等之追蹤測驗之得分平均數高於控制組,但是亦並未均達顯著水準差異現象。三、 經人種誌訪談發現多數實驗組成員覺得自我概念和人格適大多有所增進與改善。四、 經人種誌訪談實驗組成員之教師均覺得學生參與阿美族民舞蹈教學後,學生的自我概念較為積極,人格適應亦變為良好。

[ 英文摘要 ]

The main purpose of this study was to investigate the

effective of folk dance on self-concept and personality

adjustment in aboriginalstudents with mental retardation. This

study design was usingquasi-experimental design diving subjects

into experimental group andcontrol group. It took sixteen weeks

experimental instruction for experimental group. On the same

time, this study was also usingethnography to understood the

effective of folk dance on self-concept and personality

adjustment.The conclusions drawn from the study wereas follows:

1. The experimental group scored higher on the self satisfaction

, capability self, personal self, social self, identity, moral-

ethical self and totally self-concept in post-test than the

control group. But there were no significant differences between

groups. On the same time, the experimental group scored higher

on the self satisfaction , capability self, identity, and moral-

ethical self in follow-up test than the control group. But there

were also no significant differences between groups. 2. The

experimental group scored higher on the school relationship,

family relationship, social standard, antisocial tendency,

withdraw tendency, and social skills in post-test than the

control group. But there were no significant differences between

groups. On the same time, the experimental group scored higher

on the school relationship and social relationship in follow-up

test than the control group. But there were also no significant

differences between groups. 3. Most of the experimental group

students felt themselves'''' self-concept and personality

adjustment became positive and improvement much well through

ethnography. 4. Allteachers of experiment group discovered

experimental group students of self-concept and personality

adjustment became positive and improvement much well through
