依類型 族群 主題   
2023.01.01 ~ 2023.12.31
族群: 太魯閣族   
主題: 學術研究、醫療保健  
主持人 日宏煜
執行單位 國立東華大學
地點 花蓮縣 秀林鄉     花蓮縣 萬榮鄉    


英文關鍵詞:cultural safety;explanatory models;the Truku;tuberculosis


For increasing indigenous acceptability of public health and medical interventions to tuberculosis (TB), the purpose of this study aims to create the strategies and action plans of preventing and treating TB from the perspectives of indigenous cultural safety. Researchers will carry out this study in two indigenous townships, Shioulin and Wanrung where are the hometowns of the Truku, in Hualien by adopting ethnographic approach. To explore the indigenous and medical professions’ explanatory models (EMs) of TB, semi-structural in-depth interviews will be conducted with 70 Truku who have the experiences of TB treatment, and 20 medical professions and local TB managers who are servicing in Shioulin and Wanrung, respectively. Each interviews will be about 1 to 1.5 hours. For improving the qualities of TB interventions, the comparisons of EMs among the Truku, medical professions, and local TB managers will be also carried out to identify the problems of TB preventions and treatments. Finally, the educational tools and programs, and the training materials of cultural safety will be created to apply in Truku communities for TB preventions and treatments in accordance with the research result.


相關網頁 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=14797671