依類型 族群 主題   
2022.01.01 ~ 2022.12.31
族群: 跨族群  
主題: 一般教育、醫療保健  
主持人 紀雪雲
執行單位 臺灣健康促進學校協會
地點 全臺 全部  


110年以過去在校園、社區、職場推動藥物濫用防制教育的經驗,輔導北、中、南、東八個據點推行在地化的藥物濫用防制教育,依青少年、長者、原住民等特殊族群發展特殊教育模式並予以評價。但受限於新冠疫情,面對面的實體活動減少,本年度期望在既有的基礎以社區結盟理論(Community Coalition Action Theory, CCAT)和Virtual Resources持續發展因應新冠疫情時代的防制教育模式,並評價其成效。

In 110 years, based on the past experience in promoting drug abuse prevention education in campuses, communities, and workplaces, he has coached eight bases in North, Central, South, and East to implement localized drug abuse prevention education, based on special needs such as youth, the elderly, and indigenous people. Ethnic groups develop and evaluate special education models. However, due to the new crown epidemic, face-to-face physical activities have decreased. This year, we hope to continue to develop the prevention education model in the era of the new crown epidemic based on the existing foundation based on the Community Coalition Action Theory (CCAT) and Virtual resources and evaluate it. Effectiveness.

相關網頁 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=14229666