依類型 族群 主題   
2022.01.01 ~ 2022.12.31
族群: 跨族群  
主題: 農耕漁獵、學術研究  
主持人 蔡依真
執行單位 行政院農業委員會花蓮區農業改良場作物環境課
地點 全臺 全部  

英文關鍵字:Nonpesticide;Microbial agents;IPM,integrated pest management;Integrated Pest Management;Non-chemical materials;Pearl millet;Pest;Pepper fruit fly;Integrated Pest Management;Pest;Downy mildew;Pear onion;Taiwan Oil Millet

<P>    本計畫研究目的為執行原鄉地區作物病蟲害整合管理(IPM)研究,目標作物包括油芒、小米和火蔥。此三種作物目前在國內少有文獻探討其病蟲害種類及相關防治技術之完整資料。本計畫擬建立原鄉地區作物田間有害生物調查資料,並依據病蟲害基礎資訊,篩選可用之病蟲害防治資材與技術,進而建立病蟲害綜合管理(IPM)模式,協助農友提升生產品質與推廣。</P><P> </P><P> </P>

<P>   The research purpose of this project is to carry out the integrated pest management (IPM) of the traditional crops of the indigenous tribes. The target crops include Taiwan oil millet, pearl millet and pearl onion. There is a lack of relevant research on the above crops, and the occurrence of diseases and pests need to be investigated in the field. According to the information obtained from the investigation, inventory and screening of potential control technologies or plant protect materials, including bio-pesticides, plant protection materials, etc., with a view to integrating available materials or technologies, and establishing integrated pest management (IPM) model to assist farmers in improving production quality.</P><P> </P><P> </P>


相關網頁 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=14587752