依類型 族群 主題   
2022.01.01 ~ 2022.12.31
族群: 跨族群  
主題: 產業經濟、農耕漁獵、部落發展、傳統生態智慧、觀光旅遊、飲食烹飪  
主持人 丁文彥
執行單位 行政院農業委員會台東區農業改良場作物改良課
地點 全臺 全部  

英文關鍵字:pigeon pea;Allium ascalonicum;mechanization;Harvesting machinery;Upland Rice;Mechanized cultivation of millet;Mechanized production;Aboriginal crops;smart agriculture;indigenous;Taiwan oil millet;Atayal;<i>Vitex negundo</i> Linn.;Foxtail Millet;soybean;i

<P><strong>細部計畫1:臺東原鄉適地作物生產技術優化研究</strong></P><P>本研究擬蒐集原民傳統農耕知識,優化並建立原民作物生產技術,以訪談重點輔導部落耆老方式,蒐集原民作物生產技術及混作栽培技術,並針對部落之生產環境,進行調適與優化。並探討樹豆宿根特性,建立相關栽培技術。本年度預計建立部落特色原民蔬菜生產示範圃至少2處、建立原民作物混作栽培調查1項、進行樹豆宿根栽培管理試驗1項、建立黃荊優化栽培技術1項及發表相關技術報告2篇。</P><P><br /><strong>細部計畫2:高屏原鄉作物生產環境調適技術開發</strong></P><P>本計畫目標建立台灣油芒機械化生產及及採後調製技術,並輔導原鄉部落推動友善 環境耕作技術,提升原鄉部落農業產值。其預期效益:(1)建立台灣油芒機械化生產 及及採後調製技術計2項,改善原鄉部落人力不足,降低生產成本。(2)輔導原鄉部 落推動友善環境耕作技術1項,提升原鄉部落農業產值。</P><P>&amp;nbsp;</P><P><strong>細部計畫3:高屏原鄉適地作物生產技術優化研究</strong></P><P>多納黑米有兩類,一種是夏季收成的黑小米,另一種是冬季收成的黑稻米,皆為魯凱族祭典重要的作物。因為經濟效益不高,而且在強調口感,及飲食習慣逐漸漢化的影響下,被稻米和其他作物取代而漸趨式微。為強化特有的部落文化傳承與延續,促進部落特色魅力加值。本計畫擬優化現存黑米、黑小米栽培模式,保存當地傳統知能與農耕文化,增加農民種植意願,提升農民收益。</P><P>&amp;nbsp;</P><P><strong>細部計畫4:花蓮原鄉作物生產環境調適技術開發</strong></P><P>為因應氣候變遷對農業生產之影響及花蓮原鄉地區農業人口老化、勞動力缺乏等問題,擬在有機大豆導入智能氣象數據分析輔以區塊練,透過上述方法取得如溫度、濕度、降雨及土壤狀況等資料搭配來優化作物生長管理,作為大豆生產參考;樹豆則希望透過機械化技術開發改善農業缺工問題,降低人力成本並提高生產效率,提高花蓮原鄉地區有機大豆及樹豆農產品之競爭力。</P><P>&amp;nbsp;</P><P><strong>細部計畫5:臺東原鄉作物生產環境調適技術開發</strong></P><P>1.學術成就(科技基礎研究):<br />導入不同機械及特色作物之生產設備及技術,並保留發展特色之栽培方式,提升原民部落之耕作技術,發表相關文章供相關領域參考。盤點並優化輔導部落之原民蔬菜栽培技術,發表技術報告供相關研究人員參考。<br />2.技術創新成就(科技整合創新):<br />依不同原民作物及區域,考量原民部落之生產環境特色,導入及應用科學方法,改善原民部落作物栽培技術,<br />3.經濟效益(產業經濟發展):</P><P>導入不同機械及特色作物之生產設備及技術,並保留發展特色之栽培方式,提升原民部落之耕作技術,有效降低生產成本,提升農產品品質,增加農民收益。</P><P>4.社會影響(民生社會發展、環境安全永續):<br />提升原民部落農業生產技術,吸引部落年輕人回流投入農業,活化部落農地,案定部落人口,透過友善環境技術與部落傳統農法交流,提升部落農業生產環境與生態。</P><P><br /><strong>細部計畫6:新竹地區原鄉作物的探索及間作模式的建立</strong></P><P>盤點新竹縣內各部落原民風味餐廳所需之原住民族民族作物,了解區域內供需之情況,作為未來發展作物間作模式之項目依據;本年度先以樹豆與野菜間作模式試驗,作為原鄉作物間作模式發展之起步,並推廣原鄉作物友善耕作管理技術。預計產出新竹地區原民風味餐廳利用原住民族民族作物之情況報告1篇。產出樹豆與野菜間作模式試驗報告1篇。並辦理原鄉作物友善耕作管理技術講習會4場。</P><P>&amp;nbsp;</P>&lt;br/&gt;&lt;b&gt;細部計畫7:花蓮原鄉適地作物生產技術優化研究&lt;/b&gt;<P>火蔥栽種的季節以9月上旬至10月中下旬為主,太晚栽種芽體過長不利栽培及其生長,甚至有可能芽球養分耗盡而死亡。火蔥栽培農戶,因其前作作物收成時間差異,會造成定植時期的改變,然而不同農戶的栽培品質差異甚大,須建立最佳的生產技術,以利後續產業的發展及推廣。陸生藍綠藻(<em>Nostoc commune</em> Vauch)屬&#63907;珠藻科(Nostocaceae)。一般生長在野外,是原住民常用的野菜食材,惟只有在雨後才容易採集,數量有限且生長處與砂石雜草混在一起,容易夾雜大量雜物,採收後處理耗時費工。本計畫為確立不同定植時期火蔥生育特性差異及建立陸生藍綠藻無土栽培技術模式生產。預期可建立花蓮原鄉適合的火蔥栽培模式1項,並開發原鄉風味陸生藍綠藻無土栽培技術模式1項,提升原民特色作物多元利用價值,增加部落實質收益。</P>

<P><strong>1:Studies on optimizing production technology of Taitung indigenous crops</strong></P><P>This research plan to collect indigenous traditional agricultural knowledge, optimize and establish production technology of indigenous crops. We are going to (1) interview the elders of the indigenous communities; (2) collect and organize traditional indigenous crops production and mixed intercropping technology; (3) optimize the indigenous crops production technology according to the environmental conditions of the indigenous communities; and (4) establish pigeon pea ratoon cropping technology. This year, it is expected to establish two indigenous vegetable production demonstration sites ; one mixed intercropping survey; one pigeon pea ratoon cropping trial; one <em>Vitex negundo</em> Linn. production technology and publish two technical report.</P><P><br /><strong>2:Development of adaptation technology for production environment of aboriginal crops in Kaohsiung and Pingtung areas</strong></P><P>The goal of this project is to establish mechanized production and post&#02;harvest preparation technology of Taiwan oil millet , and to guide the aboriginal tribes to promote environmentally friendly farming techniques and increase the agricultural output value of the aboriginal tribe. The expected benefits: 1) to establish mechanized production and post-harvest preparation technology of Taiwanese oil millet, to improve the shortage of manpower in the aboriginal tribe and reduce production costs. 2) to promote a friendly environment farming technology of the aboriginal tribes, in order to increase the agricultural output value.</P><P>&amp;nbsp;</P><P>&amp;nbsp;</P><P><strong>3:Study on Improvement of Crop Production Technology at Indigenous Tribes in Kaohsiung and Pintung Area</strong></P><P>There are two types of black rice in Duona tribes, one is&amp;nbsp;black millet harvested in summer, and the other is black rice harvested in winter, both of which are important crops in ceremonies of Rukai tribes. Because the economic benefits of these two crops are not high, and under the influence of the emphasis on taste and the gradual Sinicization of eating habits, they have been replaced by rice and other crops. In order to strengthen the inheritance and continuation of the unique tribal culture, and promote the added value of tribal characteristic charm, we plan to optimize the existing&amp;nbsp;black rice and&amp;nbsp;black millet cultivation mode, preserve local traditional knowledge and farming culture, increase farmers&amp;#39; willingness to plant, and increase farmers&amp;#39; income.</P><P>&amp;nbsp;</P><P><strong>4:Development of technology for adjusting crop production environment in Hualien indigenous area</strong></P><P>In order to deal with the impact of climate change on agricultural production, the aging of the agricultural population , labor shortage and other problems in the indigenous area of Hualien, we will try to introduce intelligent weather data analysis in organic soybeans supplemented by blockchain, and obtain such as temperature, humidity, rainfall and soil conditions and other data through the methods mentioned above and hope to&amp;nbsp;optimize crop growth management.&amp;nbsp;We hope to improve the problem of agricultural shortages in pigeon beans through the development of mechanized technology. Reducing labor costs and increasing production efficiency that can&amp;nbsp; improve the competitiveness of&amp;nbsp; organic soybean and pigeon bean agricultural products in the indigenous area of Hualien.</P><P>&amp;nbsp;</P><P><strong>5:Development of Technology for Adjusting Environment of Crop Production at Aboriginal Village in Taitung</strong></P><P>This project uses the concept of corridors to develop characteristic crops of indigenous tribes along the Rift Valley in Taitung, develops or introduces appropriate production equipment and technologies, retains and develops characteristic cultivation methods, and adapts indigenous characteristic crop production technologies.&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;That would be&amp;nbsp;to improve the agricultural technology, and&amp;nbsp;research or introduce&amp;nbsp;of new technologies, it can reduce labor costs, increase income, and attract tribal young people return to hometown for agriculture, revitalize tribal farmland, and stabilize tribal population.&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;By introducing friendly environmental farming technologies and communicating with tribal traditional farming methods, tribal agricultural income can be increased,&amp;nbsp;and conserve the environment.</P><P><br /><strong>6:Exploreing the Aboriginal Ethnobotany and the Establishing model of Intercropping in Hsinchu area</strong></P><P>Frist, investigating what the kind of aboriginal ethnobotany are required by aboriginal restaurants in Hsinchu county. That can be the foundation for developing the intercropping model&amp;#39;s item in the future.</P><P>Second, research towards understanding intercropping model of pigeon pea&amp;nbsp;and wild vegetables cultivation. That become to the start for developing the intercropping model of the aboriginal ethnobotany, and promoting eco-friendly farming technology in aboriginal area. In the last, this project will output 2 report that are &amp;ldquo;Intercropping Model of Pigeon Pea, Wild&amp;nbsp;Vegetables Cultivation&amp;rdquo; and&amp;ldquo;The situation of aboriginal ethnobotany are required by aboriginal restaurants in Hsinchu county&amp;rdquo;. And we will hold 4 training courses of eco-friendly farming technology in aboriginal area.</P>&lt;br/&gt;&lt;b&gt;7:Research on Optimizing Technology of Crop Production in Hualien Indigenous Village&lt;/b&gt;<P>The season for planting pearl onion is mainly from early September to mid-to-late October. Too late planting of the buds is not good for cultivation&amp;nbsp;and growth, and may even cause the bud bulbs to run out of nutrients and die. Pearl onion farmers, due to the difference in the harvest time&amp;nbsp; of their previous crops, will cause changes in the planting period. However, the cultivation quality of different farmers is very different, and the&amp;nbsp; best production technology must be established to facilitate the development and promotion of subsequent industries. The terrestrial blue-green&amp;nbsp; algae (<em>Nostoc commune</em> Vauch) belongs to the Nostocaceae family. It generally grows in the wild and is a commonly used wild vegetable for&amp;nbsp; the&amp;nbsp;aborigines. It is only easy to collect after the rain. The number is limited and the growth area is mixed with sand and gravel weeds. It is easy to be&amp;nbsp;mixed with a large amount of debris, and the post-harvest processing is time-consuming and labor-intensive. This project is to establish the&amp;nbsp; difference in growth characteristics of fire onions in different planting periods and establish a soilless cultivation technology model for terrestrial blue-green algae. It is expected that 1 suitable fire onion cultivation model for Hualien&amp;nbsp;original township can be established, and 1 soilless cultivation&amp;nbsp; technology model for land-growing blue-green algae with native flavors will be developed, which will enhance the diversified use value of indigenous&amp;nbsp; characteristic crops and increase the real income of the tribe.</P>

相關網頁 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=14588216