依類型 族群 主題   
2022.01.01 ~ 2022.12.31
族群: 跨族群  
主題: 農耕漁獵、傳統生態智慧、醫療保健  
主持人 宋祖瑩
執行單位 大葉大學食品暨應用生物科技學系
地點 全臺 全部  

英文關鍵字:Caries;Streptococcus mutans;Periodontal disease;Porphyromonas gingivalis;Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp. root

<P>   </P><P>    世界衛生組織(WHO)指出,口腔健康不能不僅影響咀嚼,營養和社交互動,而且全面健康和生活質量的重要基石。牙腔疾病是一種慢性疾病。一旦牙組織被損壞,這是不可逆的。因此,預防和早期發現和早期治療非常重要。因此,在日常口腔保健,及時清除牙菌斑並加以控制斑塊的生長對預防牙周疾病和牙齒。由於不良的牙齒健康習慣和在我國老齡化問題上,牙齒的健康是普遍較差,而齲齒疾病與許多疾病有關慢性疾病(心肌梗塞,中風,胰腺癌阿爾茨海默氏病),使牙齒保健成為一種中國人必須正視的問題。最近的研究預防或治療齲齒等牙齒疾病藥用植物受到極大關注,因為商業化療抗齲藥,如chlorhexidine和triclosan,除安全糾紛外,還可引起牙齒變色和細菌耐藥性,以及其他情況。</P><P>    最早使用民俗醫學治療齲齒和牙周病的是印度,埃及,希臘和中國等國家。將具有抗菌能力的成分添加於飲食(棒棒糖,餅乾)或潔牙產品(漱口水、牙膏),將可以大大減少國人罹患口腔疾病的機會。護齒成分除了具有抗菌作用外,還必須具有長效作用,而新的微囊化技術可以在數小時內將活性成分緩慢地原位釋放,有利於牙齒的長效抗菌作用。</P><P><em>    Cajanus cajan </em>(L.) Millsp屬於豆科,英文名稱為Pigeon pea,分類法將<em>C. cajan</em>歸類為豆科的Papilionoideae。傳統的原住民療法是用木豆的根和排骨燉來治療糖尿病。目前,實驗室已確認樹豆根具有降低血糖和血脂的作用(已申請專利),還發現樹豆之根、種子和葉的50%和95%的乙醇萃取物中,以95%的樹豆根萃取物對口腔細菌的抑制力最高,對<em>Porphyromonas gingivalis</em> 及<em>Streptococcus mutans</em>的IC50分別為16和100 μg/ mL (Yang et al., 2020),並且具有最佳的抗氧化劑和抗發炎潛力,主要活性成分是異黃酮(如:daidzein, genistein and cajanol) (Vo Thi等人,2020)。過去,只有原住民曾經吃過樹豆根。遺憾的是,在收穫樹豆籽後,卻任樹豆根在土壤中腐爛,甚是可惜。目前,據估計每年可以收穫約2000公斤的樹豆根(乾重約為1000公斤)。如果能夠驗證樹豆根的有效性和安全性,將大大增加種植樹豆的經濟效益。</P><P>    去年的研究已證實樹豆根萃取物的NOAEL值,計算安全臨界值(M.o.S)遠大於100,顯示樹豆根萃取物的安全性,其主要機能性成分為genistein、cajanol及biochanin A,可為未來開發時的指標成分。本年度(111)研究的主要目的是:<U><strong>探討樹豆根</strong></U><U><strong>萃取物應用於護齒素材開發商品的潛力,</strong></U>工作項目為:</P><P><U><strong>111年:探討樹豆根</strong></U><U><strong>萃取物應用於護齒素材開發商品的潛力</strong></U></P><P><U><strong>A. 護齒能力</strong></U></P><P><strong><U>(1) 素材的製備</U></strong></P><P><strong><U>(2) 評估樹豆根萃取物之抑制齟齒菌的能力及毒力機制(以活性成分為正控制組)<br />(3) 評估樹豆根萃取物之抗牙周菌能力與對牙齦巨噬細胞之抗發炎及抗氧化能力機轉(以活性成分為正控制組)</U></strong></P><P><strong><U>(4) 評估樹豆根漱口水產品之抑制齟齒菌及牙周菌的能力(IC<SUB>50</SUB>)</U></strong></P><P> </P><P><U><strong>B. 素材商品開發</strong></U></P><P><U><strong>(1) 漱口水配方確認與代工廠製作(0.2%樹豆根粉與烏龍茶萃取物)</strong></U></P><P><U><strong>(2) 素材安定評估:樹豆根護齒素材的安定性-在-15、25、50℃進行三個月之指標成分(genistein, cajanol, biochanin A)、抗菌能力、沉澱量、</strong></U><strong><U>pH</U><U>值等項目的變化</U></strong></P><P><U><strong>(3) 建立樹豆根護齒素材原料的物質安全資料表(Material Safety Data Sheet; MSDS): 致敏感性、成分辨識資料(指標成分)、物理化學性質(pH、密度、溶解度)</strong></U></P><P><U><strong>(4) 建立樹豆根護齒素材原料的成份分析檢驗報告(Certificate of Analysis; COA): pH、外觀、顏色、氣味、黏度、微生物檢測</strong></U></P>

<P>    The World Health Organization (WHO) pointed out that oral health cannot not only affect chewing, nutrition and social interaction, but also an important cornerstone of overall health and quality of life. Dental disease is a chronic disease. Once the tooth tissue is damaged, it is irreversible. Therefore, prevention and early detection and early treatment are very important. Therefore, in daily oral health care, timely removal of dental plaque and control of plaque growth are effective in preventing periodontal diseases and teeth. Due to poor dental health habits and the problem of aging in our country, dental health is generally poor, and dental caries diseases are related to many chronic diseases (myocardial infarction, stroke, pancreatic cancer, Alzheimer’s disease), making dental health care become A problem that the Chinese must face. Recent studies on medicinal plants for the prevention or treatment of dental diseases such as dental caries have received great attention, because commercial anti-caries drugs such as chlorhexidine and triclosan, in addition to safety disputes, can also cause tooth discoloration and bacterial resistance, among other conditions.</P><P>    The earliest use of folk medicine to treat dental caries and periodontal disease was in India, Egypt, Greece and China. Adding antibacterial ingredients to the diet (lollipops, biscuits) or tooth cleaning products (mouthwash, toothpaste) will greatly reduce the chance of Chinese people suffering from oral diseases. In addition to antibacterial effects, tooth protection ingredients must also have long-term effects. The new microencapsulation technology can slowly release the active ingredients in situ within a few hours, which is beneficial to the long-term antibacterial effect of teeth.</P><P><em>    Cajanus cajan</em> (L.) Millsp belongs to the legume family, the English name is Pigeon pea, and the classification method classifies <em>C. cajan</em> as Papilionoideae of the legume family. Traditional aboriginal remedies are stewed with <em>C. cajan </em>roots (CCR) and ribs to treat diabetes. At present, the laboratory has confirmed that CCR has the effect of lowering blood sugar and blood lipids (patent pending). It has also been found that among the 50% and 95% ethanol extracts of root, seeds and leaves of C. cajan, 95% ethanol extract of CCR has the highest inhibitory effect on oral bacteria, with IC50 of 16 and 100 μg/mL for <em>Porphyromonas gingivalis</em> and <em>Streptococcus mutans</em> (Yang et al., 2020), and has the best antioxidant and anti-inflammatory potential The main active ingredient is isoflavones (such as daidzein, genistein and cajanol) (Vo Thi et al., 2020). In the past, only the aborigines had eaten CCR. Regrettably, it is a pity that the <em>C. cajan</em> roots (CCR) of the are allowed to rot in the soil after harvesting the C. cajan seeds. Currently, it is estimated that about 2,000 kg of PPR can be harvested per year (about 1,000 kg in dry weight). If the effectiveness and safety of CCR can be verified, the economic benefits of <em>C. caja</em>n planting will be greatly increased.</P><P>   Last year’s research has confirmed the NOAEL value of tree bean root extract, and the calculated safety threshold (MoS) is far greater than 100, showing the safety of tree bean root extract. Its main functional components are genistein, cajanol and biochanin A, which can be Index components for future development. The main purpose of this year's (111) research is to develop a tooth-protective material of tree bean root particle powder, and use this material to develop a mouthwash with safe and tooth-protective effects. The work items are:</P><P><strong>Explore the potential of Extract of <em>C. cajan</em> rootroot extract (EECR) used in tooth protection materials </strong></P><P><strong><U>A. Mouth protection ability of EECR</U></strong></P><P><U>(1) Preparation of materials</U></P><P><U>(2) Evaluate the ability and virulence mechanism of EECR to inhibit the fungus (active ingredients as the positive control group)<br />(3) To evaluate the anti-periodontal bacteria ability of EECR and the anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant ability of gingival macrophages (active ingredients as the positive control group)</U></P><P><U>(4) Assess the ability of EECR mouthwash products to inhibit denticle and periodontal bacteria (IC50)</U></P><P><strong><U>B. EECR Mouthwash formula product development</U></strong></P><P><U>(1) Mouthwash formula confirmation and OEM production (0.2% EECR and oolong tea extract)</U></P><P><U>(2) Material stability evaluation: the stability of EECR-three months of index components (genistein, cajanol, biochanin A), antibacterial ability, precipitation amount, pH value, etc. at -15, 25, and 50 ℃</U></P><P><U>(3) Establish a material safety data sheet (MSDS) for EECR tooth protection: susceptibility, composition identification data (index composition), physical and chemical properties (pH, density, solubility)</U></P><P><U>(4) Establish a certificate of analysis (COA) forEECR tooth protection materials: pH, appearance, color, odor, viscosity, and microbial testing.</U></P> 

相關網頁 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=14586601