依類型 族群 主題   
2022.01.01 ~ 2022.12.31
族群: 跨族群  
主題: 產業經濟、農耕漁獵、部落發展、歷史、環境生態保育、傳統生態智慧  
主持人 李隆恩
執行單位 行政院農業委員會林業試驗所森林經營組
地點 全臺 全部  

英文關鍵字:3-D Laser Scanning;LiDAR Measuration;Timber Assortment;Environmental education;Growth Models;Regulations Governing Disposition of Forest Products;Alpinia spp.;Domestic Timber;Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Measuration

<P>臺灣擁有豐富的木竹資源,根據2018年召開之全國農業會議結論,未來將朝向10年內木材自給率達5%之目標前進,以促進林產業發展、善盡地球公民責任,並達永續發展之目標。然而,現階段面臨林業現有勞動力高齡化、低薪、缺工等問題,加上林業工作環境不便,產品缺乏競爭力的因素,使得上游生產長期低迷與私有林主亦缺乏經營意願。本計畫期望藉由各項科技之開發應用,提高作業效率,減輕勞力與工時負荷,降低營林與收穫成本,同時評估各項作業對環境之衝擊影響,以提高我國林業生產之競爭力。為達計畫目標,本計畫預計朝下列兩個方向進行研究:</P><UL><LI>應用光達與UAV提升國產材收穫作業效率:</LI></UL><P>  運用空載光達及UAV可大範圍取得森林資訊之特點及地面光達調查所獲取之高精度資訊,結合相關統計模型,建立快速取得森林資訊之技術模式,節省以往地面調查需耗費之大量人力與時間。</P><UL><LI>台灣月桃植物豐富,多樣性非常高。它有著悠久的民間傳說和原住民使用歷史。提取的成分可用於食品、香料、芳香療育等地方。如何整合月桃資源,增值,促進教育宣傳是本研究的目標。</LI></UL>

<P>There is rich in forest resources in Taiwan. According to the conclusion of the 6th National Agricultural congress held in 2018, in the future, we will reach the goal of a self-sufficiency rate of wood in 5% within 10 years, to promote the development of the forest industry, fulfill the responsibilities of global citizens, and achieve the goal of sustainability development. However, the current forestry labor is aging, low wages, and lack of practitioners. In addition, the working environment in forestry is inconvenient and the products lack competitiveness. It has caused the long-term downturn of upstream production and the lack of business willingness of private forest owners. This project will improve the efficiency of work, reduce the load of labor and working hours, reduce the cost of forestry and harvest by  the development and application of various technologies, and evaluate the impact of operations on the environment, to improve the competitiveness of forestry. In order to achieve the goals, we will expect to conduct research in the following three items: </P><UL><LI>Apply LiDAR and UAV to improve the efficiency of domestic timber harvesting operations.</LI><LI>Taiwan<em> Alpinia </em>is rich in plants and has a very high diversity. It has a long history of folklore and aboriginal use. The extracted ingredients can be used in food, spices, aromatherapy and other places. How to integrate the resources of <em>Alpinia</em>, add value, and promote education, the goal of this project.</LI></UL><P> </P>

相關網頁 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=14584672