依類型 族群 主題   
2022.01.01 ~ 2022.12.31
族群: 跨族群  
主題: 產業經濟、農耕漁獵、部落發展、文史資產  
主持人 周國隆
執行單位 行政院農業委員會高雄區農業改良場旗南分場
地點 全臺 全部  

英文關鍵字:Seed;jiuqu;pearl onion;Propagation;aromatic plant;Virus;Bulblet Formation;Seed germination;Cultivation;Indigenous crops;Dioscorea spp.;scaling;propagation;Oil millet;Tissue Culture;indigenous special crops;Makauy;indigenous vegetables;Lilium longiflorum v

<P><strong>細部計畫1:高屏原鄉種苗繁殖技術研究</strong></P><P>臺灣油芒為部落傳統的穀物之一,但近年逐漸從部落消失。本試驗旨在探討臺灣油芒繁殖栽培及採種技術,期望穩定種苗來源及品質,以協助部落原民恢復臺灣油芒之種植。臺灣百合為臺灣特有種植物,分布於全臺。但近年來由於人為的破壞,族群正逐漸減少中,因此,如何有效復育於原生地為一重要的課題。本試驗旨在探討種子貯藏及繁殖栽培技術,希望未來大量復育於其原生地。</P><P><br /><strong>細部計畫2:臺東原鄉種苗繁殖技術研究</strong></P><P>赴臺東縱谷廊道原住民部落訪談部落耆老,了解部落植物繁殖需求,並會同當地部落族人採集製作傳統酒麴相關植物、野菜、蕨類、原香植物(原民芳香植物)種原,依作物繁殖特性,建立種苗量產繁殖技術,並將種苗定植於當地部落,以供部落食、衣、住、行、傳統祭儀使用,期透過本計畫協助建立傳統酒麴之植物、原香植物及原民蔬菜(含蕨類)種苗繁殖技術,以維護優良種苗及文化傳承。</P><P><br /><strong>細部計畫3:花蓮原鄉種苗繁殖技術研究</strong></P><P>原民作物產業多為粗放種植,農民自行留種,或是野外採集,造成種苗來源不穩定。若能穩定原民作物種苗來源,提供高品質的種苗,有助於提升栽培面積與生產品質,促進原民作物產業的發展。山胡椒<em>Litsea cubeba</em> (Lour.) Pers. 為台灣原生樟科植物,分佈臺灣全島中低海拔山區,為特色香辛料。近年山胡椒的需求量日益增加,而花蓮地區山胡椒栽培的種苗來源以野採為主,對於山胡椒產業的發展仍有一定的瓶頸,故本計畫擬建立山胡椒繁殖技術。山蘇種苗大多由山採而來,由於需求量相當大,已使得原生地的自然生態受到破壞,因此如何大量繁殖種苗以減少山採的發生,實有其必要性。若能經由山蘇生長點,發展組織培養的大量繁殖法,將更能促進本土野生蕨類之開發利用。火蔥為花蓮轄內具保健機能潛力之原民作物。火蔥繁殖以自然分球為主,栽種時期以9月上旬至10月中下旬為主,產期於1-2月,目前只有少量栽培,擬透過不同切法以及切割後之處理溫度對子球形成之影響,建立火蔥鱗片繁殖技術,以滿足農民需求與產業發展。</P><P><br /><strong>細部計畫4:東部原鄉特色作物種苗繁殖技術研究</strong></P><P>本計畫目標為有以下三點:</P><P>1. 保存台灣東部原住民地區特色芋、山藥種原材料,保護原住民特色芋、山藥種原及種原更新。</P><P>2. 建立原住民地區特色芋、山藥種原繁殖流程及供應無特定病原種苗。</P><P>3.辦理原鄉地區示範種苗生產觀摩圃。以提升原鄉特色作物產量和品質,增進部落收益,確保原鄉部落產業之發展。</P>

<P><strong>1:Study on Seedling Propagation Technology in Kaohsiung and Pingtung aboriginal areas</strong></P><P><em>Eccoilopus formosanus</em> Rendle (syn. <em>Spodiopogon formosanus</em> (Rendl.) A. Camus is one of the traditional grains of the tribe, but it has gradually disappeared from the tribe in recent years. The purpose of this research is to explore the propagation and seed collection techniques. It is hoped that the source and quality of seedlings will be stabilized to assist the indigenous peoples to restore the cultivation of Taiwan oil millet. <em>Lilium longiflorum</em> var. formosanum, an endemic species to Taiwan, distributes all over the island. Recently, its population has gradually decreased due to man-made destruction to the plant and its habitats. How to recover its population has become an important issue. In this research, suitable germination storage, propagation and cultivation technology.</P><P><br /><strong>2:Study on propagational technique of Taitung indigenous crops</strong></P><P>The study will collect and produce seedlings of traditional jiuqu, vegetables, ferns, and aromatic plants with the local tribesmen, that establish seedling mass production and propagation techniques according to the propagation characteristics of the crops, and plant the seedlings in the local tribes for tribal food, clothing, housing, transportation, and traditional ceremonies. Through this project, we hope to assist in establishing seedling propagation techniques for traditional jiuqu, aromatic plants, and indigenous vegetables (including ferns), in order to maintain excellent seedlings and cultural heritage.</P><P><br /><strong>3:Study on the propagation Techniques of Native Spices in Hualien</strong></P><P>The Indigenous crop industry is mostly extensive agriculture. Farmers keep their own seeds or collect them in the wild, which causes the source of seedlings to be unstable. If the source of seedlings of indigenous crops can be stabilized and high-quality seedlings can be provided, it will help increase the cultivation area and production quality, and promote the development of the indigenous crop agriculture. Makauy(<em>Litsea cubeba</em> (Lour.) Pers.) is a native plant of the Lauraceae family in Taiwan, and it is distributed in the low and medium altitude mountains of Taiwan. Makauy is a characteristic spice, with fruity aromas of lemon, pepper and cypress. In recent years, demand for makauy has been increasing. The seeds and seedlings of makauy cultivation in Hualien area are mainly from wild harvesting. The development of the makauy industry still has a certain bottleneck. This study attempts to establish propagation technology of makauy. The bird-nest ferns were uaually collected from the forest. To promote its cultivation, the tissue culture technique would be conducted and evaluated in this study. <em>Allium ampeloprasum </em>var. sectivum is Indigenous characteristic crops with potential for health care in Hualien area. It's usually propagation by bulb and to plant from early September to mid-to-late October, then to harvest from January to February. This study was for the purpose of investigating different cutting methods and temperature treatment to increase the propagation rate of the bulblets and to establish the scaling cultivation system for farmers' needs.</P><P><br /><strong>4:Research on Seedling Propagation Technology of Eastern Aboriginal Tribes</strong></P><P>The goals of this project are as follows: 1. Preserve the raw materials of characteristic taro and yam species in the aboriginal areas of eastern Taiwan, and protect the original and renewal of the original yam and yam species of the indigenous people. 2. Establish the reproduction process of native taro and yam, and supply native taro and yam seedlings without specific pathogens, such as the indigenous people. 3. Handle the demonstration nursery for seedling production in the original hometown. In order to improve the yield and quality of the original village characteristic crops, increase the income of the tribe, and ensure the development of the original village tribal industry.</P>

相關網頁 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=14583951