依類型 族群 主題   
2022.01.01 ~ 2022.12.31
族群: 跨族群  
主題: 產業經濟、就業服務、農耕漁獵、部落發展、族群教育、技職培訓  
主持人 王裕權
執行單位 行政院農業委員會高雄區農業改良場農業推廣課
地點 全臺 全部  

英文關鍵字:Indigenous tribes;Technology Gap;Guidance platform;Ecological Agriculture;Indigenous;Human resource development;functional training;tribe;Job Abilities Improvement

原鄉部落處偏遠地區,因交通不便及教育資源匱乏,雖有優越的天然環境與潛力發展之傳統作物, 但欠缺良好生產設施及栽培技術,導致部落產業發展受阻,缺乏競爭力。加上部落農業人口老化與人口外移情形日益加劇,年輕人返鄉從農意願不高,造成傳統技術的流失。透過職能學習地圖及能力指標建立,規劃符合部落產業人才課程,有效的培育出精英人才,確保未來部落農產業的競爭力。為能促進原鄉部落產業永續發展,本計畫目的為協助成立部落農業公私協力跨域輔導平台,針對目標部落所需人才提供專業技術訓練,成立花蓮、台東、高雄地區跨廊道聯繫網絡,促進部落協力、部落農產業推動經驗分享及成果展示。

The original tribe is located in a remote area, due to inconvenient transportation and lack of educational resources. Although it has a superior natural environment and potential for the development of traditional crops, it lacks good production facilities and cultivation techniques, which hinders the development of tribal industries and lacks competitiveness. Coupled with the aging of the tribal agricultural population and the increasing migration of the population, young people are not willing to return to their hometowns to farm, resulting in the loss of traditional technologies. Through the establishment of functional learning maps and ability indicators. Planning meets the tribal industry talent course. Effectively cultivate elite talents. Ensuring the competitiveness of the tribal farming industry in the future. In this study, assisted in the establishment of a tribal agricultural public-private cooperation cross-domain counseling platform, provided professional technical training for the talents needed by the target tribe, and established a cross-corridor contact network in Hualien, Taitung, and Kaohsiung Promote tribal cooperation and tribal agricultural industry to promote experience sharing and results display.

相關網頁 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=14582011