依類型 族群 主題   
2022.01.01 ~ 2022.12.31
族群: 跨族群  
主題: 農耕漁獵、文史資產、文化慣習、歲時祭儀、環境生態保育、傳統生態智慧、飲食烹飪、部落活動、藝文活動  
主持人 曾竫萌
執行單位 行政院農業委員會花蓮區農業改良場農業推廣課
地點 全臺 全部  

英文關鍵字:digital archive;traditional farming;farming wisdom;food culture;indigenous tribe;food culture;traditional knowledge;indigenous;ethnobotany;traditional knowledge;food culture;indigenous peoples;digital archive;indigenous peoples;digital archives;traditiona

原民傳統農耕文化蘊涵了生態環境調適與生物多樣性保全利用的智慧,有助於維護生態環境。然而,原鄉地區因漢民族量產栽培技術之導入,使原民傳統農耕文化及農業受到衝擊,又原鄉人口流失,導致部落傳統農耕知識及飲食文化逐漸消失。本計畫係為積極推動部落傳統農耕技術及飲食文化盤點之紮根工作,藉由盤點部落傳統作物、食材利用、歲時祭儀及社會文化結果,協助建立原民文化知識體系,提供給部落傳承永續利用傳統知識之參考。透過資料紀錄之留存,藉以活絡部落各世代間交流,吸引年輕人才回流,提升部落整體向心力,期望帶動部落特色作物產業與經濟發展。黑米是多納部落特有的地方品種,其稻穀經加工碾製後適合製成部落特色美食「阿拜」、「吉納福」或麻糬等,與多納文化「黑米祭」有深厚淵源,為深具魯凱族文化內涵的原民產業。花東地區太巴塱部落特有的紅糯米,富含維生素 A、鐵質、蛋白質,是天然的健康食品,被阿美族人視為珍品,相傳紅糯米是太陽神賜予給祖先,僅在婚喪喜慶或其他重要祭典時才作為宴客之用,亟具有阿美族傳統文化意涵。蒐集部落傳統農耕及飲食文化知識內容,透過數位典藏平台系統,讓原住民部落特色產業文化知識得以保存推廣。因此,本年度研究目標包括:盤點部落傳統農耕知識及文化,包含部落傳統作物品項、生產時序及其相關之祭典、文化等,推廣原民農耕與飲食文化保存與應用。調查分析原民農耕文化數位典藏之功能需求、資料來源及使用情境,進行傳統知識數位典藏系統功能與架構設計。

The traditional farming culture of the indigenous people contains the wisdom of ecological environment adjustment and biodiversity conservation and utilization, which is helpful to maintain the ecological environment. However, due to the introduction of the Han nationality mass-production cultivation techniques into the indigenous rural areas, the traditional farming culture and agriculture of the indigenous people have been impacted, and the indigenous rural population has been lost, resulting in the gradual disappearance of the tribal traditional farming knowledge and food culture. This project is to actively promote the root work of inventory the tribal traditional farming techniques and dietary culture. By inventorying tribal traditional crops, food material utilization, annual rituals, and cultural customs results, it assists in the establishment of aboriginal cultural knowledge system and provides it to the tribe to inherit the eternal culture. Continue to use traditional knowledge as a reference. Through the retention of data records, it can activate the exchanges between generations of the tribe, attract young talents to return, enhance the overall centripetal force of the tribe, and hope to promote the development of the tribe's characteristic crop industry and economy. Black rice is a local variety unique to the Dona tribe, can made into tribal specialties ~ Abai, Cinavu or Mochi, etc. It has a deep relationship with the Black Rice Festival and has a deep Rukai culture. The red glutinous rice unique to the Taibalang tribe is rich in vitamin A, iron, and protein. It is a natural health food. It is regarded as a treasure by the Amis. According to legend, the red glutinous rice is bestowed by the sun god to ancestors. It is only used for weddings, funerals, celebrations or other important events. It is only used as a banquet during the ceremonies, and it has the meaning of traditional Amis culture.Collect the traditional farming and food culture materials of the tribes, and use the digital collection system to preserve the special agricultural industry and food culture of the tribes.Therefore, this year research goals include: inventory of traditional tribal farming knowledge and culture, including tribal traditional crop items, production sequence and related ceremonies, culture, etc., and promote the preservation and application of indigenous farming and food culture. Investigate and analyze the functional requirements, data sources and usage scenarios of the digital collection of indigenous farming culture, and carry out the function and architecture design of the traditional knowledge digital collection system.


相關網頁 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=14580211