依類型 族群 主題   
2022.01.01 ~ 2022.12.31
min Bunun布農族知識課程的建構與實踐(1/2)
族群: 布農族   
主題: 文史資產、族群教育、一般教育  
主持人 蘇美琅
執行單位 國家教育研究院
地點 全臺 全部  

英文關鍵字:aboriginal education;ethnic education curriculum; Bunun knowledge structure

" 本研究旨在分析布農族傳統文化內涵之知識分類,接著分析其與主流知識之差異,並完成此差異對推動原住民族教育與十二年課程綱要核心素養之連結,再進行課程規劃與教材設計。亦即課程設計會將十二年課程綱要核心素養與布農族學習內容與學習表現做一結合,幫助教師在執行課程教學時不脫離布農族文化核心精神與知識架構。其次是進入教學現場,期能建構布農族知識系統適用於小學民族教育之課程與教材。
為達此目的,本計畫為期二年,第一年的目標在於將研究者107年出版之「min Bunun 布農族的童年及養育」所整理與歸納的養育內容做一知識分類,藉由知識的分析與分類了解其與主流知識之差異,以便與十二年國教課程綱要之核心素養做連結,之後是將此內容帶進布農族實驗小學進行文化回應教學之課程與設計。第二年即進入合作學校進行課程實施與教學實驗,此時研究者將綜合Skilbeck(1976)提出的學校本位課程發展模式及Marsh,et al.(1990)學校本位課程發展型式之變化矩陣模式,進行課程實踐之行動研究。
"This study aims at analyzing the connotation in conventional Bunun culture and classifying to recognizable knowledge. Subsequently, the differences in mainstream knowledge will be identified, while integrating these differences into a twelve-year syllabus by means of curriculum planning and designing teaching material. This means that the entire curriculum design will combine the twelve-year syllabus with the learning content and learning performance of the Bunun, aiding teachers to not deviate from the core spirit and knowledge framework of the Bunun culture while carrying out teaching related to the curriculum. Furthermore, entering the learning site, it is expected that a Bunun knowledge system applicable for the curriculum and teaching material of ethnic education in elementary schools will be built.
To achieve these goals, this project will be carried out over the course of two years; the approach of the first year will be to perform knowledge classification of contents published by researchers in the 2017 publication, of “Bunun childhood and nurturing”, then by means of knowledge classification, understand the differences mainstream knowledge in order to make a connection to the twelve-year syllabus. These results will then be integrated and executed in the culture responsive teaching material and design at ,the Bunun Experimental Elementary School or Bunun Focusing School. The researcher will adopt an integration of the Situational Model of Skilbeck (1976) and a School-Based Curriculum Development for the Teaching Principles and Methods (Mash et al, 1990) to proceed and to practice the designed curriculum in the following year." 

相關網頁 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=14322212