依類型 族群 主題   
2022.01.01 ~ 2022.12.31
族群: 泰雅族   
主題: 歷史、民族誌、文史資產、文化慣習、族群教育  
主持人 黃約伯
執行單位 國家教育研究院
地點 全臺 全部  


英文關鍵字:Multicultural Education;Ethnography;Curriculum; the Atayal;indigenous Key Schools;

台灣原住民族的教育政策(例如課程與教學)的形成與發展,與台灣社會與國際社會整體發展與變遷,有其歷史性與地域性的結構扣連。20世紀末期至21世紀初,台灣政治自由化的發展,提供多元文化教育發展的空間,重視原住民族教育的議題,特別是教育自主與文化永續的課程政策解方。例如,民國110年修訂的《原住民族教育法》第27條明定: 「各級各類學校相關課程及教材,應採多元文化觀點,並納入原住民各族歷史文化及價值觀,以增進族群間之瞭解及尊重。」
當台灣在文化政治與族群主流化的社會脈絡之下愈臻多元之際,地方自治體轄域內的原住民族學校如何詮釋與建構一套課程,學校所揭櫫的原住民族課程目標為何(例如成為泰雅人)? 而其施行、運用、協商、實踐的過程為何? 彼等之課程與教學是如何被地方政府與部落的相關利害關係人(stakeholders)所理解、詮釋、討論、與行動? 針對上述問題,本研究計畫擬針對現行泰雅族課程建構與發展,透過田野調查,進行探討,並與一所原住民族重點學校為對象,共同對話合作,反思與實踐。本研究計畫分二年期程進行: 第一年,透過民族誌研究,蒐集與整理有關泰雅社會文化的內涵。第二年則將泰雅社會文化內涵,納入原住民教育機構中,有效轉化、應用與實踐。"

" The formation and development of indigenous education in Taiwan has been historically and structurally linked to the social circumstances of both Taiwan and the wider world. The lifting of martial law in 1989 and the ensuing educational reform which emerged in the 1990s ushered in a new era of multicultural development within Taiwan, most notably on the needs of indigenous people for educational autonomy and cultural sustainability. According to Article 27 in the 2021 revised Education Act for Indigenous People in Taiwan, it stipulates that all public schools should take into account multicultural approach by incorporating indigenous history and culture into their curriculum.
Although indigenous education became more diverse and autonomous in its form and content within the context of cultural politics and ethnic mainstreaming in Taiwan, a number of issues appeared to emerge around the 1990s, indigenous schools located in various local counties are still in the process of constructing their indigenous knowledge system. The questions of how they put the educational goal such as ‘to become an Atayal’ into practice, as well as how they implementing, appropriating, negotiating and practicing indigenous knowledge, still remain unknown. In addition, as responsibility for indigenous education policies transfers from central authorities to local government, the ways in which local governments interpret, react and designate appropriate and feasible educational programs becomes important − these are issues which are worth exploring. This research project involves a two-year ethnography, with the first year collecting Atayal ethnographic materials and the second incorporating them into school curriculum and practicing."

相關網頁 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=14321705