依類型 族群 主題   
2019.08.01 ~ 2019.08.31
族群: 跨族群  
主題: 法律政治  
作者 黃之棟、Huang, Morgan Chih-tung
期刊名 《東吳政治學報》37卷2期, (2019年): 頁117-165。
地點 全臺 全部  

關鍵詞:族群主流化; 多元文化主義; 性別主流化; 兩層次主流化; Ethnic mainstreaming; Multiculturalism; Gender mainstreaming; Two-prong mainstreaming;

中文摘要:我國在1997年修憲之後,「多元文化」便正式成為基本國策。在各式關於多元的討論中,又以族群議題最受各界關注。其中,「族群主流化(ethnic mainstreaming)」是近來政府重點推動的政策之一。在主流化的概念下,政府的角色定位與政策思維,也都隨之出現巨大的改變。對此,本文嘗試從理論框架與政策意涵的角度來梳理此議題,並對當前我國族群主流化的概念理解與政策目標予以進一步的分析與耙梳。整體來看,我國現階段的族群主流化論述,帶有「取代論」的意涵。也就是希望透過政策,創造一處有助於族群間對話的公共平台,進而依此型塑出一項能夠涵容少數與弱勢思維的「新的主流」。面對這樣的發展態勢,本文指出當中論理與實際上的困難。就理論面來看,新主流的創建本身似乎已經超越了既有多元文化的規範框架;就實際面來看,對某些族群而言(如原住民族),新主流的建構或許並非當務之急,且主流化的意涵也未必優於既有的權利論述。有鑑於此,本文指出這些都是當前族群主流化政策進一步推動時必須面對的問題。

英文摘要:According to the 1997 Constitutional Amendments, multiculturalism is a fundamental policy in Taiwan. Following this constitutional guidance, the government has tabled a series of policies to improve ethnic development. Over the past decade, ethnic mainstreaming has arguably proved to be both the most popular and also the most controversial policy as the government seeks to establish "a new mainstream" for future generations. This paper critically analyses the theoretical framework of ethnic mainstreaming and its implications for policy. It argues that the concept of ethnic mainstreaming is certain to affect the trajectory of our current multiculturalism goals for some time to come. This is because the so-called new mainstream itself, at least in theory, implies or even reinforces a unitary rather than a diverse society. For some ethnic groups, such as the most vulnerable indigenous groups, the importance of rights still trumps the establishment of a new mainstream. This article further argues that as promising as it may sound, the discourse of ethnic mainstreaming should never circumvent rights or equal protection. 

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