依類型 族群 主題   
2019.12.01 ~ 2019.12.31
族群: 撒奇萊雅族   
主題: 社會關懷、醫療保健  
作者 王信翰、蔡文進、Wang, Hsin-han、Tasi, Wen-chin
期刊名 《東吳社會工作學報》37期, (2019年): 頁167-186。
地點 花蓮縣 花蓮市  國福里  

關鍵詞:撒固兒部落; 原住民族長期照顧服務; 文化照顧; Sakul community; Long-term care services for indigenous peoples; Cultural care;


英文摘要:This article is aimed to present a preliminary findings of the Sakul community of the Sakizaya in its effort to develop a community-driven care service model. The authors, as a team with other community workers, use a narrative-based approach to document the process of establishing a community-based care service model to respond the local care needs with involvement of community resource network. 

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