依類型 族群 主題   
2019.12.01 ~ 2019.12.31
族群: 布農族   
主題: 部落發展、社會關懷  
作者 張智凱、Chang, Chi Kai
期刊名 《東吳社會工作學報》37期, (2019年): 頁137-141。
地點 南投縣 信義鄉    

關鍵詞:家庭托顧; 原鄉家托; 原住民長期照顧; Adult foster care; Adult foster in indigenous village; Long-term care;


英文摘要:Salong is a Bunun women in charge of Luluna adult foster care in Xinyi Township of Nantou County, providing care to Bunun elders with disabilities. Raised by her grandmother, Salong was immersed into the world view of Bunun people, which lays the foundation to operate the adult foster care with cultural consciousness and cultural competence. This article presents the development of Salong's adult foster care with a focus on indigenous culture in her daily practices. The potential of adult foster care in indigenous village is evaluated with a conclusion that adult forster care should be encouraged to develop their own caring style based on their own culture context.

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