依類型 族群 主題   
2019.06.01 ~ 2019.06.30
族群: 跨族群  
主題: 一般教育  
作者 施淑娟、Shih, Shu-chuan
期刊名 《臺北市立大學學報. 教育類》50卷1期, (2019年): 頁25-43。
地點 全臺 全部  

關鍵詞:蒙特梭利教育; 蒙特梭利語文教育; 原住民幼兒; 語文能力; Montessori education; Montessori language education; Indigenous children; Language ability;


英文摘要: This study investigated the difference in language proficiency between tribal and nontribal indigenous children after implementing the Montessori language education. Quantitative data were collected and analyzed. The research participants were 39 indigenous children (age: 5 ~ 6 years) from two indigenous preschools in Taiwan: a tribal preschool (19 students), and a nontribal preschool (20 students). The results show that (1) the students from tribal class progressed significantly in their listening vocabulary and reading comprehension, (2) the students from nontribal class progressed significantly in their listening vocabulary and reading comprehension, (3) the students in the nontribal class performed significantly better in language proficiency. Thus, implementing the Montessori language education enhanced the participants' listening vocabulary and reading comprehension.

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