依類型 族群 主題   
2019.12.01 ~ 2019.12.31
族群: 太魯閣族 、其他民族  
主題: 部落發展、觀光旅遊  
作者 張瑋尹、李建軍、溫亞利、謝雅卉、張瑋尹、Chang, Wei-yin、Li, Jian-jun、Wen, Ya-li、Hsieh, Ya-hui、Chang, Wei-yyin
期刊名 《休憩管理研究》6卷2期,(2019年) :頁43-62。
地點 花蓮縣 全部     其他 其他  中國  

關鍵詞:太魯閣族; 傣族; 生態旅遊; 永續發展; 海峽兩岸; Taroko people; Dai people; Eco-tourism; Sustainable development; Cross-strait;


英文摘要:The development of tourism had both positive and negative impacts on aboriginal tribes, including economic development, social and cultural, environmental impact and tourism development. Based on the above aspects, this study aims to explore the comparative study of the development of sustainable eco-tourism between the Taroko and Dai tribes on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. The results showed that the education level, marriage status and age of the Taroko and Dai people had a great influence on the development of sustainable eco-tourism. The cognition and attitude towards the development of sustainable eco-tourism are similar, but the scores of Taroko tribes are higher than Dai tribes. Finally, taken of the Pearson correlation analysis, the result showed a medium to high correlation among all aspects of the questionnaire. This result can be used as reference data for the researchers of aboriginal eco-tourism.

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