依類型 族群 主題   
2019.06.01 ~ 2019.06.30
族群: 泰雅族   
主題: 社會關懷、外來宗教、傳統信仰  
作者 黃炤愷; 陳怡伃; Huang, Chao-kai; Chen, Yi-yi
期刊名 《中華心理衛生學刊》32卷2期,(2019年) :頁183-208。
地點 台中市 和平區    

關鍵詞:文化照顧; 世界觀; 原住民; 民族誌; Cultural care; Aging; Indigenous people; Ethnography;


英文摘要:Purpose: Cultural care refers to community-based and human-centered systems that support people's aging. For indigenous people, that is, formal and informal care fit with individual, family, tribal, or institution's cultural beliefs. We explored the everyday practice of caring for the elderly in Taiwan's Atayal tribes. We focused on how cultural worldviews interweave with care practices to support aging in place. Methods: We conducted a 4-month ethnographic field study in 3 Atayal groups living along the Da An River in Taichung, Taiwan. We collected data through participatory observation and in-depth interviews. Results: The analysis indicated that the traditional spiritual beliefs of gaga and utux blend in different ways with Christian beliefs in everyday life. Across tribal groups, individuals, tribes, their churches, and service agencies take different attitudes that range from integration, to co-existence, to segregation. Actors at these different levels adapt to the spiritual context of individuals. The rhetoric of care can be moderated by considering the specific audience in or outside the tribe with respect to people's religious attitudes and life experiences. Conclusions: Support for older adults' body, mind, and spiritual health include formal services, interpersonal relationships, and routine activities.

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