依類型 族群 主題   
2020.03.01 ~ 2020.03.31
族群: 跨族群  
主題: 農耕漁獵  
作者 湯楊欽憲、張淑君、Tang Yang, Cin-sian、Chang, Shu-chun
期刊名 《臺灣農業研究》69卷1期,(2020年) :頁101-112。
地點 花蓮縣 光復鄉    

關鍵詞:原住民; 農民; 訓練需求評估; Indigenous; Farmers; Training needs assessment;

中文摘要:本研究利用訓練需求評估的方法,以花蓮縣光復鄉原住民農民為對象進行本文研究。由於光復鄉是少數幾個以水稻栽培為主且面積較大的原住民鄉鎮,亦有全台唯一紅糯米具有產業規模的產業規模,據此藉以探討從事農業經營者的訓練發展需求。同時,就不同屬性經營者(如作物類別、農民專兼業程度、年齡等)進行研析,以呈現地區農業訓練需求的現況。研究於2018年1-3月在光復鄉地區進行問卷調查,並利用召開農民會議時進行發放,最後回收有效問卷323份,整體回收率84%。研究工具為「農民訓練需求評估」問卷,以次分配、百分率、樣本平均數及標準差進行描述性統計;再以交叉分析瞭解兩個變數之間的關連性,又用卡方檢定兩種特性間相依或獨立,且做單因子變異數分析等。經分析調查資料後,獲得重要研究結論,包含:(1)光復鄉地區從事農業受訪者中,性別以女性占59.2%(184人)較多;年齡以51-60歲為主,占26.0%;耕地面積以1 ha內占多數,為64.3%,土地以自有土地為主,占83.9%。本區以栽培水稻為主,占40.2%,其次為果樹占31.5%。水稻銷售以糧商含農會銷售體系較多,占51.2%,果樹與蔬菜在自行銷售占有較高比例,分別為43.9%及54.1%。(2)訓練天數以農民專兼業程度愈高,傾向訓練時間較短(3d)占82.2%,最適當的訓練方式則以專業農民、兼業農民對於演講法有較高支持度,分占54.5%及38.2%。另外,副業農民對於學徒訓練有較高支持度(37.2%)。可看出專業程度越低,愈傾向學徒式訓練。(3)男性受訪者相較於女性受訪者對於訓練時間、訓練天數及訓練方法等3項訓練方式,有更高程度的訓練發展需求。由本研究結果可知,受訪的原住民地區農業經營者對於農業技能,均呈現顯著的發展需求。再深入探究,亦可發現農業經營者會依據主要種植作物類別、專兼業程度等,呈現出不同的訓練方式需求。因此,未來進行訓練規劃時,應符合於地區產業項目進行課程設計。

英文摘要:This study adopted the training needs assessment method to study the training and development needs for agricultural operators at Guangfu Township in Hualien County. The different attribute of operators, such as crop categories, special experiences and ages, are analyzed to present regional agricultural characteristics. A questionnaire survey regarding the current situation of training needs was conducted at Guangfu Township from January to March in 2018, and was distributed during the farmers' meeting. A total of 323 valid questionnaires were collected with the overall recovery rate of 84%. Research tool "Farmer Training Needs Assessment" questionnaire was applied, including descriptive statistics for sub-allocation, percentage, sample mean and standard deviation. By using cross-analysis, the correlation between 2 variables was evaluated. The Chi-Square test was used to determine the dependence or independence of the 2 characteristics. The summaries from data analyses include: (1) About 83.9% of area is cultivated land, of which 64.3% of farmers had 1 ha of cultivated land at Guangfu Township. 40.2% is mainly rice cultivation, followed by fruit trees accounting for 31.5%. The farmer's joint marketing and sales accounted for 51.2%; the fruit trees accounted for a high proportion of 43.9%. (2) The most appropriate training method for the first-time interviews in the Guangfu Township area is that the speech method has a high degree of support of 38.3%, the case study is 23.1%, and the apprenticeship training is 20.8%. The future curriculum planning can be based on the course. The content adopts a mixed curriculum design, which uses teaching and implementation methods to improve training effectiveness. According to the results of this study, the agricultural operators surveyed in the aboriginal areas showed significant development needs for agricultural skills. In-depth exploration found that agricultural operators presented different training methods according to the main types of crops, the degree of professionalism, and the training methods. It should be designed in accordance with regional industrial projects.

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