依類型 族群 主題   
2021.07.01 ~ 2022.06.30
族群: 跨族群  
主題: 環境生態保育、傳統生態智慧  
主持人 Brendan Arthur Galipeau
執行單位 國立清華大學人類學研究所
地點 全臺 全部   其他 其他    

中文關鍵字:台灣; 雲南; 藏族人; 泰雅; 原住民; 三文魚; 水產養殖; 氣候變化; 身份認同; 知識體系
英文關鍵字:Taiwan; Yunnan; Tibetan people; Atayal; indigenous; salmon; aquaculture; climate change; identity; knowledge systems

Research will make new contributions to relevant literature, demonstrating the ways in which the melding of indigenous and scientific knowledge systems plays a role in identity and place making, conservation, and mitigating climate change in island societies. These results will be particularly relevant and important to Taiwan in terms of climate change science, adaptation, and mitigation; as well as relevant to understanding the conservation and in particular the indigenous importance of a national keystone species. In the context of research in mainland China, the results will also contribute to an important emerging field of Asian Borderlands Studies and recentering the Sino-Tibetan borderlands in discussions regarding Chinese and Tibetan societies, providing a voice to the peoples of these regions who have typically been considered marginal within their larger national populations. In fact, the contemporary livelihoods of the ethic peoples of these borderlands play a significant role in global processes of identity construction and knowledge building as this research will demonstrate. Research content will be published as an academic monograph and in SSCI indexed international journals, such as East Asian Science, Technology, and Society, and Global Environmental Change. Results will also be shared and discussed at relevant international conferences such as the American Anthropological Association and Association for Asian Studies. 

相關網頁 https://www.grb.gov.tw/search/planDetail?id=13787669