依類型 族群 主題   
主題: 身心發展  
作者 蕭芝殷
學校系所 國立東華大學諮商與臨床心理學系
地點 全臺 全部  


Indigenous peoples suffer from health disparities compared to non-indigenous population around the world, mental health is one of the main concerns, however the related policy and program is limited in Taiwan. This study aims to provide reference point for future Indigenous community mental health development in Taiwan by reviewing indigenous mental health policies and programs in Canada and Australia.
This study comprised a three-steps of review, the first two steps review the indigenous mental health policy and community program and the third examined the outcome of program reviewed in previous step. Multiple categories of documents were searched including official policy and plan papers, program reports, and the research related to program effectiveness or outcome evaluation from the federal government website and Academic Database, with related key words.
The results showed the current development of national policy for indigenous mental health, the community mental health programs and the outcome evaluation in Canada, Australia and Taiwan. Since the viewpoint of mental health is different among indigenous and non- indigenous population, the discussion includes the approach of Indigenous-specific and mainstream, scope of mental health and its effect on service, current challenges, and the implication for Taiwan indigenous mental health policy and practice.