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多元文化主義下原住民族傳統智慧創作專用權的再詮釋 —從權利基礎到合理使用
族群: 跨族群  
主題: 法律政治、工作權益  
作者 李彥君
學校系所 國立中正大學財經法律系研究所
地點 全臺 全部  


The Act, “Protection Act for the traditional intellectual creations of indigenous people” passed by The Legislative Yuan, Republic of China in 2007. And “Regulations of the traditional intellectual creations of indigenous people” was announced in 2015. This is a great progress in Taiwan legal system, but the new Act cause some issues on the subject of right, the object of right, the nature of right and the relationship of using traditional intellectual creation between indigenous people and other people when we interpret and apply the Act.

About the subject of right, the Act §6 and §7 define the subject as indigenous community or clan, but in the actual cases that was passed, some subjects are as “group” or “family”. This made the author think about, what is the subject of right? Is it what we are familiar with the concept of “human” in Civil Law? How do we develop the subject of right? Is the result fixed or changeable by case? For the questions, we need to jump outside of the traditional legal system, and observe the subject of right in the angle of indigenous community. And while we look for the answers, we need to have a concept of “cultural expression” is not only for indigenous community or clan, these two categories. We must go back to the social system in each individual community for observation. Then, we will correctly interpret the subject of right for indigenous community.

Regarding the object of right, the Act §3 defines and limits the scope for “culture expression”. But what is “culture expression”? In intellectual property system, the “expression” has not included ideas. But it seems impossible to separate culture expression and the ideas behind culture, this cause incompletion of the culture. Also, from the observation of their culture was taken advantage by others, instead of “wrong clothes on wrong community” or “dances without their consent ”, they care more about the misunderstanding of their culture, destroying their community cultural system and their prohibitions. From this point of view, it is very different from the modern society while we are discussing about protecting a subject. Therefore, we need to think about whether the cultural value behinds indigenous culture expression is worth protection.

For the nature of right and the relationship of the use of traditional intellectual creation between indigenous people and other people, we are used to separate property and personality right in Civil Law. But when we think about the relationship between indigenous people and culture expression, their philosophy is close to the nature, the souls of the dead or belief, so we couldn’t clearly separate property and personality from indigenous community’s philosophy. Also, from whom have the right to use these cultural expressions, is a “custodial duties”. Thus, when we study the relationship of using culture expression between indigenous people and other people, we need to think by indigenous community philosophy.

The Act wants to solve the conflict between indigenous people and other people from the culture expression, however the core issue is “different ethnic groups” by colonial history. Thus, it is worthy for us to think about our legal system is multiculturalism or not and when we admit indigenous people’s community custom in our legal system, how can we create a new system to connect the two different legal systems.

I will separate three point to discuss my idea. First, I will discuss Taylor’s Multiculturalism , then discuss indigenous cultural right, finally, I will discuss the subject of right, the object of right, the nature of right and the relationship of using traditional intellectual creation between indigenous people and other people from “Exclusive Rights to Use Intellectual Creations” by Multiculturalism and indigenous cultural right. And I will propose a new idea under the respect of the indigenous culture and integrity of their culture resources. I hope the idea can promote indigenous culture and let other people understand the culture which is different from us and we need to respect them.