依類型 族群 主題   
族群: 跨族群  
主題: 文化慣習、一般教育  
作者 蔡孟樺
學校系所 國立臺灣師範大學教育心理與輔導學系
地點 全臺 全部  


Taiwanese indigenous people belong to an ethnic minority, and their social culture is disadvantageous due to economics. There were few studies on Taiwanese indigenous people's strength or ability in the past. Although indigenous people's humor styles were found helpful to life adaptation, it was unclear whether the findings were exclusive for indigenous people or their humor traits were positive or native.
To address this research gap, the present study has investigated the relationships among humor styles and ethnics in objective, rigorous, and multiple perspectives. A series of studies were conducted to achieve the following goals: (1) To identify the difference in humor styles between Taiwanese indigenous and Han adolescents. (2) To investigate the humor styles specifically for indigenous people. (3) To compare result differences between self-reported questionnaire and actual humor production, and, (4) To examine the mediation effects of culture (Individualism-Collectivism), family (Parental Psychological Control), and personal (personality, Executive Function Index) in the relationships of the ethnics and humor styles, and the mediation effect of humor styles to life adaptation.
The participants were 1791 Taiwanese indigenous and Han high school students, including 491 indigenous adolescents and 1300 Han adolescents. Data were collected with questionnaires. Results showed that, no matter humor was assessed by self-reported items or actual humor production, indigenous students had a higher self-enhancing humor style and a self-defeating humor style. As for the mediation effects, at the cultural level, indigenous students had higher horizontal collectivism as well as vertical collectivism; thus, their self-enhancing humor was higher. At the family level, indigenous students had higher enhanced power from mother and devalue from father; thus, they had higher self-defeating humor. Self-enhancing humor of indigenous students would increase since indigenous students recognized higher enhanced power from mother. At the personal level, personality and the executive function index did not have mediation effects in the relationship of ethics and humor styles. However, indigenous students had higher life adaptation; a mediation effect analysis revealed that indigenous students had higher collectivism tendencies and higher awareness of maternal authority than Han students. Thus, indigenous students' self-enhancing humor score was higher, which further improved their life adaptation. Findings suggest that the strength-centered teaching in the high school stage may facilitate self-enhancing humor and thus help life adaptation for students.