依類型 族群 主題   
族群: 跨族群  
主題: 一般教育、身心發展、體育活動  
作者 臺北市立大學運動健康科學系碩士班
學校系所 臺北市立大學運動健康科學系碩士班
地點 全臺 全部  

目的:本研究目的為探討不同背景變項大專原住民運動員之運動熱情與阻礙因素之差異性及相關性。方法:受試者為全國各大專院校大專原住民運動員,共計206名(男性126位、女性80位),平均年齡為20.66 ± 1.82歲。本研究採用問卷調查法,以李炯煌、季力康與彭涵妮(2007)中文版運動熱情量表以及鄧人慈與王建峻(2014)編制的阻礙因素量表為研究工具,並以皮爾森績差相關、獨立樣本t檢定及單因子變異數分析法來進行分析。結果:一、男性選手強迫式熱情顯著高於女性選手;二、不同運動項目之選手的運動熱情沒有顯著差異;三、不同每週訓練時數中訓練時間長的選手運動熱情比訓練時間短的選手高;四、不同地區族群受試者當中,東部地區的調和式熱情比北部地區高;五、與家人同住及住學校宿舍者的運動熱情皆比在外租房者高;六、不同運動層級選手調和式熱情與強迫式熱情皆達顯著差異;七、不同每週訓練時數者的個人內在、個人外在、經費設備子向量達顯著差異,訓練時間短的選手阻礙因素會比訓練時間長的選手高;八、不同性別、運動項目、族群、居住狀況、運動層級者的阻礙因素各子向量沒有顯著差異;九、調和式熱情與個人外在及成就需求都呈現顯著負相關,而強迫式熱情與成就需求有顯著負相關,與經費設備方面則呈現顯著正相關。結論:應降低選手的阻礙因素並且提升運動熱情,來增加並延續原住民運動員培育發展。

Purpose: The purpose of the study was to explore the differences and relations of sport passion and constraints of indigenous collegiate athletes with different backgrounds. Methods: Participants were 206 (80 females, 126 males) indigenous collegiate athletes with the mean age of 20.66 ± 1.82 years old. Sport Passion Scale and Scale of Constraints were administered, and independent t-test, ANOVA, and Pearson correlation coefficient were used for data analyses. Results: 1. Males had higher obsessive passion than females. 2. No difference was found on sport passion among athletes with different sport. 3. Athletes with longer weekly training time had higher sport passion than athletes with shorter weekly training time. 4. Athletes living in eastern Taiwan had higher harmonious passion than athletes living in northern Taiwan. 5. Athletes living at home and school dorms had higher sport passion than renters. 6. Both harmonious and obsessive passion were different among athletes with different competition level. 7. Subscales of “personal mentality”, “personal physiology”, and “fund and equipment” were found to be different among athletes with different weekly training time that short weekly training time athletes had more constraints than long weekly training time athletes. 8. No difference was found on constraint subscales among athletes with different gender, sport, ethnic group, residing place, and competition level. 9. Harmonious passion was negatively related to personal physiology and the need of achievement; however, obsessive passion was negatively related to the need of achievement but positively related to the fund and equipment. Conclusion: Decreasing constraints and increasing sport passion is necessary for the improvement and extension of cultivating and developing indigenous athletes.