依類型 族群 主題   
族群: 跨族群  
主題: 一般教育  
作者 范凱鈞
學校系所 國立臺東大學進修部教育行政碩士班(夜間)
地點 全臺 全部  

(一) 三名個案從事教職意願強烈,積極準備公費生甄選並脫穎而出;甄選錄取後依規定修習輔系補足美術、數學等專長20學分,以符合畢業資格。
(二) 三名個案在原住民地區國小的教學實習發現學生易混淆國語和原住民語法,數學迷思概念頗多;偏鄉學校班級人數雖少,需花費較多時間輔導學生;行政實習主要以協助教導處與總務處辦理校內活動為主;透過參與學校推動校訂課程計畫之相關研習,增進接觸原住民文化,同時也透過與學生同上族語課來認識族語。
(三) 三名個案將依甄選條件在所原住民重點學校服務三或六年,未來再規劃調往一般地區繼續任教。

The purpose of this research is to understand the selection pro-cess of plan B non-indigenous government-sponsored teacher-to-be students and the students’ experience of teacher education courses, the educational internship process and cultural contact in key indige-nous schools, the degree of job recognition and their future teaching career planning. This research conducted semi-structured interviews and collected documents. The interviewees included three cases of plan B government-sponsored students, the tutors, the principal, the directors and team leaders of the schools which the students interned, and the students university professors.

The study found:
(1) The three cases had a strong desire to engage in teaching, and put a lot of effort into preparing for the selection of government-sponsored students; after admission, they studied 20 supplementary credits of specialties such as fine arts and mathematics in order to meet the graduation qualifications.
(2) Three cases who interned in the key indigenous elementary schools found that students in the schools were prone to confuse the grammar between Chinese and the indigenous language, and there were many mathematics myths and concepts. Also, even though there were few classes in the rural schools, it took more time to tutor students. As for administrative internships, these three cases mainly assist the teaching office and the general af-fairs office in planning and holding school activities; through par-ticipating in the workshop to promote school-defined curriculum plans, to increase exposure to indigenous culture, and at the same time to learn indigenous languages through attending classes with students.
(3) The three cases will serve in key indigenous schools for three or six years according to the selection criteria, and plan to transfer to other areas to continue teaching in the future.

This research suggests that the future key indigenous schools which in need of government-sponsored students should make long-term plans to meet the students’ specialization requirements. Also, they should select specialized students that meet the requirements of their own schools; and prioritize the allocation of specialties in order to give full play to the students strengths.