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2018.08.10 ~ 2018.09.02
臺東設計展 Taitung Design EXPO 18’|前濤‧後浪 TREND & WAVES 南島國際美術獎 回顧展2011-2016
族群: 跨族群  
主題: 藝文活動  
活動地點:台東縣 台東市  浙江路350號

★ 展覽介紹 Exhibitions Introduction

【臺東設計展】將擴大在不同空間場域同步進行,並針對南島國際美術獎從無到有的發展歷程,特別邀請石瑞仁老師規劃【前濤‧ 後浪: 2011-16 南島國際美術獎回顧展】。2011 年開始,由臺東縣政府主辦的【南島美術獎】,旋而擴大轉型為兩年一度的【南島國際美術獎】,這是當前國內唯一以人類學為創作思想的起點,結合「駐地交流與創作」與「藝術展覽與競獎」兩階段活動的藝文生產計畫。本項藝術展覽的策劃,除集結展現歷屆得獎並已入藏的作品外,也邀請曾獲獎藝術家另外提供或就地創製新作,以供觀者對照了解藝術家創作風貌的發展及脈絡。

Taitung Design EXPO enlarges the scale and holds exhibitions in diverse spaces this year. TREND & WAVES - RETRO EXHIBITION OF AUSTRONESIAN INTERNATIONAL ARTS AWARD 2011-2016 is the feature exhibition, curated by Jui Jen SHIN, narrates the development context of Austronesian International Art Awards. Austronesian Arts Award was first organized by Taitung county government in 2011 and turned into biannual Austronesian International Arts Award. Jui Jen SHIN claims that the award is the only cultural production project with artists residency, exchange programs, exhibitions and award with the concept of taking anthropology as the starting point. The curator selects the awarded works and invites awarded artists to show their new works to tell artists’ imagination and context of works.



葉怡利 Yi Li YEH

葉海地 Hedi YEH

林純用 Chun Yung LIN

Mark Jackson + Mcdonald

柯林 Colin Offord

林琳 Lin LIN


伊祐噶照 Iyo Kacaw

劉明樺 Ming Hua LIU

王邑熏(王美淳)Yii Hsun WANG

賴勇達 Yeong Tah LAY

吳祚昌 Tso Chang WU

黃柏維 Po wei HUANG

地址:106台北巿羅斯福路四段一號 國立臺灣大學總圖書館北側廣場地面層
電話:(02)3366-3776   FAX:(02)3366-3770    
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