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2018.08.10 ~ 2018.09.16
【展覽】臺東設計展Taitung Design EXPO 18’ |【 巢‧流 】原創,青創 FLOWING Nest
族群: 跨族群  
主題: 藝文活動  
活動地點:台東縣 台東市  鐵花路82號10鄰

展覽時間 DATE:107/8/10(五) — 9/16(日)

平日 WORKDAY | 9:00 — 17:00

假日 WEEKEND | 9:00 — 20:00

地點 ADD:臺東縣原住民族文化創意產業聚落LIMA展區 (台東市鐵花路82號10鄰)

★ 展覽介紹 Exhibitions Introduction

「巢」,原意指鳥類的住所, 在此展覽意指為家,家是孕育、繁衍生命與生活的地方。臺東有著最豐富的天然資源與最多族群的原住民文化,恰如孕育南島文化的家一般,也呼應著臺灣身為世界南島民族的母親之島的重要性;「流」是風或是水不受拘束得到處活動,也有流動、出走之義,在此展覽意指從源頭出發找到新的可能。離巢之後的返巢,由傳統文化而生,再返回重新詮釋,本體文化的面貌,本展覽希望陳述當代原民青創設計之路,從母體文化尋根出發,以傳統為本,經創新設計思維澆灌轉譯,成為當代原民設計的多元樣貌,與世界對話。


“Nest”, which originally means the house for birds, it refers to home in the exhibition. Home is where lives are nourished and go on. There are abundant natural resources and also many aboriginal groups in Taitung. It's like the home of Austronesian culture as the importance of Taiwan being the mother island of Austronesian culture.

“Flowing” originally means the movement of wind or water and going out to some other place as well. “Flowing” means leaving the origin to find new possibilities in the exhibition. The exhibition aims at narrating the processes of aboriginal creative design: back to the nest after leaving, trace back to the traditional culture and interpret in their ways. The diversity of aboriginal creative design starts with seeking roots of their culture and transforms with innovative design thinking, which builds up conversations with the worldl.

安君實 Pasulange Druluan(拔舒浪.魯魯安)

屏東縣霧台鄉好茶村魯凱族人,2009年八八風災後移居至台東生活,開始嘗試使用漂流木或自然素材,做出心裡所想像的生活物件。2014年建立自己的品牌,專心製作漂流木傢飾作品及藝術創作,也嘗試大型戶外藝術裝置創作,其作品曾於台北竹圍工作室、台東加路蘭遊憩區、花蓮石梯坪、台東森林公園等展出;也參與《2014 Pulima藝術獎》、《2015原創基地節》等聯展,希望能持續透過雙手,實踐及表達自己對於生活的思考與想像。


潘子甦Senayan Pakawyan

王昱心 Tanivu Tapari

地址:106台北巿羅斯福路四段一號 國立臺灣大學總圖書館北側廣場地面層
電話:(02)3366-3776   FAX:(02)3366-3770    
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