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2022.11.10 ~ 2023.12.31
【線上展覽】牛罵頭文化與長山頂II遺址-Niumatou Culture and Changshanding II site
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主題: 藝文活動  

牛罵頭文化與長山頂II遺址-Niumatou Culture and Changshanding II site
新石器時代中期史前人群開始擴散至全臺灣,自海岸低地逐漸散居至淺山區域,經過長時間的發展、 適應與持續演變,不同區域之間逐漸產生了文化差異。
中部地區代表性遺址為臺中市的牛罵頭遺址及安和遺址。陶器以紅、褐色陶為主,器形有罐、 缽、瓶、豆形器。紋飾以拍印繩紋為主,沿襲了大坌坑 文化的特色,但繩紋更加細緻。
長山頂II 遺址因特有生物保育中心野生動物急救中心的設立而發現,歷經兩次發掘,其是目前內陸山區少有的繩紋陶文化人遺址,提供了史前四千五百年前人群在此活動的證據。

Prehistoric peoples began to spread throughout Taiwan during the middle Neolithic period, and gradually dispersed from the coastal lowlands to the lower mountain areas. After a long period of development, adaptation, and continuous evolution, cultural differences gradually emerged between different regions. The most representative sites in central Taiwan are the Niumatou and Anhe sites in Taichung City. The pottery found at these sites chiefly consist of red and brown wares, and pottery shapes include jars, bowls, pitchers, and serving vessels with pedestals. The main decoration—continuing on a Tapenkeng Culture characteristic—is paddle-impressed cord-markings, but the cord marks are thinner and more delicate. The Changshanding II site was discovered during the construction of the Endemic Species Research Institute''s Wildlife First Aid Station; after two rounds of excavation, it is currently one of the few Corded Ware culture sites in the inland mountains, and provides evidence that prehistoric peoples were active here 4,500 years ago.

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