起   - 迄  族群 主題   
2022.11.23 ~ 2022.12.13
族群: 跨族群  
主題: 音樂、舞蹈、藝文活動  
活動地點:台北市 大安區  羅斯福路四段1號

GIM Conversations with Indigenous Music and Dance

Radiw no orip 那個用歌說故事的人(Radiw的阿美族觀點)
The Man Who Told Stories Through Songs
🌐時間:11/23/2022 (Wed)16:00
Wayfinding, Encounter, and Navigation: Interisland Collaboration and Musical Solidarity in Taiwan, Okinawa, and Hawaiʻi
🌐時間:11/29/2022 (Tue) 18:30
在二戰後自由主義的脈絡下,以歐美為首的世界流行音樂產業自1960年代起陸續借用非西方樂舞元素作為表達多元文化主義的具體實踐。其中,最耳熟能詳的例子就是英國搖滾樂團披頭四在其作品中採用印度西塔琴。搭乘全球化與後殖民主義的浪潮,音樂上的跨域合作雖然數次涉及浪漫化及文化挪用等議題(例如:馬蘭阿美的〈歡樂飲酒歌〉),但也在世界各地逐漸形塑出各種強調親疏關係、本體文化脈絡與能動性的「遊歷音樂」(traveling musics),在我者與他者樂音互動與混雜的過程中,建構出音樂新思維、新位置、新的結構與活動。從南島臺灣、沖繩及夏威夷的當代音樂協作與串連談起,本講座梳理跨文化聲景交織的情境中,島嶼音樂人如何藉由「樂動」(musicking)與他者聲音知識體系(acoustemology)產生共鳴、迴響與再現。運用南島與太平洋研究中的「找路」 、「航行」與「浪潮」等意象為理論依據,本講座檢視兩個案例:一、強調東臺灣與沖繩文化連結的「H.O.T Islands Music Festival 島嶼音樂季」二、阿美音樂人藉著唱夏威夷歌曲聲援當地原民運動;進一步探討在跨島嶼音樂協作的場域中:樂音如何被聽見?樂音如何被理解與內化?樂音在什麼動機下、透過什麼方式被展演與再現?從臺灣音樂人的視角出發,本講座畫出臺灣與其他島嶼聲識體系(即沖繩及夏威夷)相遇的路徑與過程,並討論「樂動」在社群結盟政治彰顯的文化意涵。
聲與身的啟應: 一個臺灣南島樂舞展示的社群認同
Call and Response between Voice and Body: Expressing Village Identity Through an Austronesian Taiwanese Chant-and-Dance
🌐時間:12/9/2022 (Fri)14:30
🌐講者:陳俊斌 (Taipei National University of the Arts)
This paper examines how music and dance facilitates solidarity among community members from choreomusicological perspectives, by offering an analysis of the tremilratilraw chant-and-dance of the Pinuyumayan people, one of Taiwan’s sixteen Austronesian-speaking Indigenous groups. The focus of the paper is twofold, one on the structure of the tremilratilraw, and the other on the values, meaning, and judgments that the chant-and-dance embodies. In the performance of the tremilratilraw, chant and dance are inseparable. The chant is not an incidental music for the dance; rather, we may consider the chanting a “call” and dancers’ movements the “response.” In a couplet form with a vocable-driven introduction, the chant is sung by an elder. Led by a male member, male and female dancers hold hands to form a semicircle, crouching, jumping, and kicking to punctuate melodic phrases. Since the chant is non-metric, the chanter, the dance leader, and other participants must collaborate closely to move in unison; a sense of solidarity and emotional power is fostered consequently. Participants thus use the power of togetherness to publicly support or honor certain members who have experienced difficulties or reached significant achievements recently, or to complete initiation rites for males. The tremilratilraw can be used as a gift or a means for removing misfortune and it works not only because of its structure, but also because, in the process of performing the chant-and-dance, the religious views and notions of age and gender that define the Pinuyumayan are highlighted. With this case study, I aim to theorize an integrated approach to the study of the music-dance relationship in Taiwanese Indigenous society. This case study may seem peculiar, but I hope that it can lead to a broader understanding of how participants communicate through musicking and dancing so that they can create, convey, and perceive notions of community identity in the music-dance performance.
A conversation with Rahic Talif about ''Amis lyric improvisation and making installation art
🌐時間:12/13/2022 (Tue)18:30
🌐講者:拉黑子·達立夫(Rahic Talif)
從聲音的轉譯做為創作 Transducing Sound as Creative Practice
All events will be conducted in Mandarin, but English interpretation will be available if needed
🔆策劃人 :施永德 副教授(DJ W. Hatfield)
🔆主辦單位:音樂學研究所 Graduate Institute of Musicology(GIM)

地址:106台北巿羅斯福路四段一號 國立臺灣大學總圖書館北側廣場地面層
電話:(02)3366-3776   FAX:(02)3366-3770    
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