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研究計畫(3) 博碩士論文(78) 期刊論文(10)
戰後台灣眷村的創建與演變---以台南市眷村為例 The Establishment and Development of Juan Village in Taiwan during the Postwar Period---A Case Study of Tainan City
分割的區域發展—以高雄縣燕巢鄉為例 The Separated Regional Development – As The Example of Yanchao, kaohsiung County
麻豆地區開發及其社會經濟變遷之研究 The Area of Matou Develops and the Research of Social Economic Ehanges
清代台灣平埔族地權的變遷—以田寮地區為例 Changes in the Land Rights of Pingpu People in Ching Dynasty Taiwan—A Case study in Tianliao Area
溪湖地區的空間與歷史變遷 The Geography and History of Shihu Region
新市鄉區域開發的歷史變遷 The Development and Changes in Shinshr Township
石岡市街的開發與變遷 The Developments and Changes of Shih-Gang Commercial Streets
高雄市草衙地區聚落發展與變遷之研究(終戰後—2006) A Study on Development and Transformation of the Settlements at Caoya Region in Kaohsiung(1945—2006)
岡山鎮後紅地區聚落發展之研究 A Study on the Settlement Development in Houhong District, Gangshan Township
屏東縣里港鄉塔樓聚落變遷之研究 The Study of the Historical Transitions for Swatelauw Tribal Community in Pingtung County
桃園縣八德市聚落發展之研究 A Study of Settlement Development in Bade,Taoyuan
屏東高樹大路關地區之拓墾與聚落發展之研究 The cultivation of the Da- Lu-Kuan area in Kausu, and the development of villages in the region.
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