全球原住民科學網(WISN)振興並拓展了原住民族傳統智慧的成長和交流,以改變大眾的意識形態,賦予一個煥新而充滿活力的世界。全球原住民科學網是個教育組織,工作範圍涵蓋區域、國內到橫跨國際,創造了西方世界和原住民文化之間的互動窗口。該組織不但指導研究,舉辦國際會議與文化交流,還和國際間的合作夥伴一同提倡瀕危原住民族傳統文化與人才的重要。該組織為原住民耆老提供全球的協調溝通網絡,也與學術界夥伴一同提供全球唯一進階學位學程「原民之心(Indigenous Mind)」的課程。另外,WISN亦致力支持現有的原民之心學程學員、召開學術與文化聚會,以更新、活化原住民的傳統知識體系。
The Worldwide Indigenous Science Network (WISN) revitalizes and explores the growth and exchange of traditional wisdom of Earth-honoring peoples to transform consciousness and potentiate a world vibrant with renewal. It is an educational organization that works locally, nationally and internationally to create an interface between western and indigenous cultures. We conduct research, host international conferences and cultural exchanges, and provide advocacy with international partners for endangered indigenous practitioners and traditional wisdom. We coordinate a global network of indigenous Elders and, with academic partners, offer the world’s only advanced degree programs in Indigenous Mind. Specifically, WISN strives to: Revitalize and renew indigenous knowledge systems by supporting surviving practitioners of Indigenous Mind and convening scholarly and cultural gatherings.