依族群 主題   
Ontario Native Women's Association (ONWA) 安大略省原住民婦女協會
製作單位:Ontario Native Women's Association
族群: 美洲原住民  
主題: 部落發展、機關團體名錄  
地點: 其他 其他    

安大略省原住民婦女協會(ONWA) 成立於1972年,是個非營利機構,為加強和扶持整個安大略省的原住民婦女與她們的家庭。ONWA的指導原則是以有尊嚴、尊重與平等的態度,來對待所有原住民的祖先;不論族人生活在何處,也不論部落的傳統為何,將福利與服務遍及所有族人。ONWA隸屬於加拿大原住民族婦女協會(NWAC),跟NWAC一樣,致力為安大略省原住民婦女發聲,並與各級政府和其他組織建立關係,以確保所有原住民婦女和她們的家庭,能免於社會和經濟上的窮困,提昇她們在社區中的神聖角色,成為有價值、受尊重的成員,並保存她們的文化,語言和傳統。

The Ontario Native Women''s Association (ONWA) is a not for profit organization that was established in 1972 to empower and support Aboriginal women and their families throughout the province of Ontario. ONWA''s guiding principle is that all Aboriginal ancestry will be treated with dignity, respect and equality and benefits and services will be extended to all, no matter where one lives and regardless of Tribal heritage. The Ontario Native Women''s Association (ONWA) is affiliated with the Native Women''s Association of Canada (NWAC). Like NWAC, ONWA is committed to being the voice of Aboriginal women in Ontario and to building relationships with all levels of government and other organizations to ensure all Aboriginal women and their families will live free from social and economic distress; to promote their sacred roles as valued and respected members in the community; and to preserve their culture, language and heritage. 

地址:106台北巿羅斯福路四段一號 國立臺灣大學總圖書館北側廣場地面層
電話:(02)3366-3776   FAX:(02)3366-3770    
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