熱帶雨林基金會主張:保護土地、保護生命、保護地球。該基金會的使命是支持全球熱帶雨林區的原住民和傳統部落人民,在他們自己的努力下做到保護自己的環境和履行自己的權利。基金會美國分會的執行方式是與中美洲和南美洲的原住民團體和地方基層組織有合作的關係,做到 (1) 確保他們擁有土地所有權 (2) 影響法律與政策來保護他們的資源 (3) 建立強有力且可持續的社群領導者。
The Rainforest Foundation US: Protecting Lands, Protecting Lives, Protecting Our Planet. The mission of the foundation is to support indigenous and traditional people of the world''s rainforests in their efforts to protect their environment and fulfill their rights. The foundation’s approach is to work in partnership with indigenous groups and local grassroots organizations in Central and South America to: (1) secure rights to their lands; (2) influence laws and policies to protect their resources; (3) build strong and sustainable community leadership. |