加拿大原住民環境資源中心 (CIER)是個公益國家組織,由加拿大第一民族主導跟環境有關的非營利組織。該中心由一群加拿大第一民族的酋長在1994年成立。該中心經由設計好的計畫,來應對氣候變化,建立可持續發展的社區,保護土地和水域,還保護生物的多樣性。該中心的願景是:「使第一民族的社區不但有健康的環境還可持續發展。」該中心的使命是:「幫助第一民族建立能力,以解決該民族所面對的環境問題。」該中心的價值觀是:「尊重、誠信、創新、卓越、平衡和團隊合作精神。」
CIER is a national, First Nation-directed environmental non-profit organization with charitable status. It was established in 1994 by a group of First Nation Chiefs from across Canada. Through designed programs, the center takes action on climate change, builds sustainable communities, protects lands and waters, and conserves biodiversity. The vision of the center is: "Sustainable First Nation Communities and a Healthy Environment." The mission of the center is to "assist First Nations with building the capacity to address the environmental issues they face." The center is guided by the values of: Respect, Integrity, Innovation and Excellence, Balance and Teamwork. |