依族群 主題   
Australia Government, Bureau of Meteorology, Indigenous Weather Knowledge 澳洲政府氣象局:原住民氣象知識網站
製作單位:Commonwealth of Australia 2014, Bureau of Meteorology
族群: 澳洲原住民  
主題: 傳統生態智慧  
地點: 其他 其他    



Seasonal weather calendars based on the local sequence of natural events, developed over thousands of years by Indigenous communities, are displayed on this new Bureau of Meteorology Indigenous Weather Knowledge website.
The site is in its early stages of development and will be progressively expanded to include information for additional areas, as well as other facets of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander interactions with, and knowledge of, weather and climate.
The project recognizes the knowledge of weather and climate developed over countless generations by Australia’s Indigenous communities, nicely complementing science and statistically based approaches. It provides an opportunity for communities to showcase their knowledge and for other Australians to learn more about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander life and culture.

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