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McMaster University, Indigenous Studies Program 麥可馬仕德大學原住民學習課程
製作單位:McMaster University
族群: 美洲原住民  
主題: 一般教育、機關團體名錄  
地點: 全臺 全部  

原住民學習課程(The Indigenous Studies Program)是麥可馬仕德(McMaster)大學因應學校原住民代表、研究原住民領域的學生(原住民或非原住民)以及教育學者的要求而贊助設立,從1991年設立該課程以來,就已經有超過100位第一民族的學生入學,150-200位的非原住民族學生參與原住民學習課程。課程焦點在傳承及推廣原住民族的知識給對原住民族文化有興趣的學生和研究者,此課程的教職員工對原住民族(指第一名族)、梅諦斯(Metis,法裔加拿大人和印第安人的混血兒),以及因紐特族(Inuit)學生在學術上的成就非常支持。

The Indigenous Studies Program was developed in direct response to the expressed desires of the Aboriginal representatives, students (Native or non-Natives) and educators from this region for greater accessibility and support from the University. Established in 1991, the program now has over 100 First Nations Students attending McMaster, and 150 to 200 non-Native students taking Indigenous Studies courses. Our Program focuses on preserving and promoting Indigenous Knowledge to students and researchers whom are interested in examining Aboriginal cultures and perspectives. The faculty and staff of Indigenous Studies Program are committed to enhance and to support Native, Metis and Inuit Students in their academic achievements.

地址:106台北巿羅斯福路四段一號 國立臺灣大學總圖書館北側廣場地面層
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