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University of California, Santa Barbara, Workshop on American Indigenous Languages加州大學,聖塔芭芭拉分校,美洲原住民語言研討會
族群: 美洲原住民  
主題: 族群語言、學術研究  
地點: 其他 其他    

美洲原住民語言研討會(Workshop on American Indigenous Languages,WAIL),是由美洲原住民語言研究小組(Native American Indian Languages study group,NAIL)於1990年開始舉辦,目的是討論美洲原住民的語言和文化。此外,WAIL是由加州大學語言學系所贊助,於1990年開始經常性的舉行關於美洲原住民語言和文化的議題研討會。

The annual Workshop on American Indigenous Languages (WAIL) at the University of California, Santa Barbara is presented by the Native American Indian Languages study group (NAIL), which has been meeting regularly in Santa Barbara since 1990 to discuss issues relating to Native American language and culture. The workshop is a forum for the discussion of theoretical and descriptive linguistic studies of indigenous languages of the Americas. WAIL is also sponsored by the UCSB Linguistics Department

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