依族群 主題   
Teaching Indigenous Languages 原住民語言學習網
製作單位:Northern Arizona University
族群: 美洲原住民  
主題: 族群語言、學術研究  
地點: 其他 其他    

網站開始於1994年的北亞歷桑納大學( Northern Arizona University)年會,這個年會目的是要幫助並達成〈美國原住民語言法案〉的目標。年會集合相關語言、教育、社會和政策學者,一同挽救世界上瀕危的原住民語言。網站的收集了上百篇從1994年至2008年間,關於原住民語言的會議文章,如2000年舉行的「美麗學習」(Learn in Beauty)會議與1989年舉行的「美國原住民議題學會」(Native American Language Issues Institute)所出版的八本書籍。這個網站也擁有「國際雙語教育協會」中關於55篇專欄文章或資料。此外,網站也連結了相關的原住民教育和語言的網站。

This "Teaching Indigenous Languages" web site is an outgrowth of a series of annual conferences started in 1994 at Northern Arizona University to help achieve the goals of the Native American Languages Act. The conferences focus on the linguistic, educational, social, and political issues related to the survival of the endangered Indigenous languages of the world.

At the heart of this site are over a hundred full text papers from the 1994 through 2008 Stabilizing Indigenous Languages conferences as well as the 2000 Learn in Beauty conference and the 1989 Native American Language Issues Institute published in eight books. This site also has 55 columns from the magazine of the National Association for Bilingual Education, articles, and other materials. There is a subject index, a language/tribe index, and links to related sites, including an American Indian Education site.

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