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Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami 加拿大因紐特團結組織
製作單位:Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami
族群: 美洲原住民  
主題: 部落發展、機關團體名錄  
地點: 其他 其他    

這是加拿大因紐特團結組織(Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami)的網站,該組織簡稱ITK,在加拿大是正式代表因紐特族(Inuit)的團體,成立於1971年,為Inuit族傳達心聲並促進相關事務。該組織致力於Inuit族的土地權爭取,以及與政府各級單位間的溝通橋樑,持續為自己族群爭取權利,並敦促政府對Inuit族的政策和計劃,以滿足Inuit族人的不同需求。網站有組織地蒐整計劃及報告,以提供最新消息;此外,網站中電子版Inuit族雜誌,採用雙語(羅馬拼音與英文)的主題報導或議題討論,提供深入的Inuit族動態。

Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, formerly Inuit Tapiris at of Canada, is the national voice of Canada''s Inuit. Founded in 1971, the organization represents and promotes the interests of Inuit. In its history, ITK has been effective and successful at advancing Inuit interests by forging constructive and co-operative relationships with different levels of government in Canada, notably in the area of comprehensive land claim settlements, and representing Inuit during the constitutional talks of the 1980s.Despite successes on the land claims front, Inuit still face enormous challenges in their quest for equal opportunity and prosperity in Canada. Specifically, they want the federal government to recognize that Inuit have different concerns and needs from other Aboriginal people and to commit itself to Inuit-specific policies and programs.

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