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Historic Preservation Office 北馬里亞納群島聯邦政府的歷史保存部門
製作單位:Historic Preservation Office
族群: 南島語族  
主題: 考古遺址、機關團體名錄  
地點: 其他 其他    

網站的設立為了拉進讀者們去學習並了解保存馬里亞納群島豐盛歷史的重要性。此歷史保存部門的使命聲明: 歷史保存部門受公法3-39條所託有三大使命: (1) 保障在聯邦政府內有重大意義的考古、歷史、文化資源得到確認和保護;(2) 教育人民關注有關當地歷史、考古、文化項目以及其歷史性的保存;(3) 發展歷史和文化上的特質藉以促成國民在文化、社會和經濟上的成長。網站附有索引可查,包括計畫的使命和目標、許可證的申請、出版刊物網站的連結、有關聯的組織機關、由考古學、建築學和歷史學探討古蹟、考古學的詳細目錄、即時新聞、聯絡資訊、古蹟開發計畫的檢閱和督導、教育性的活動、及獎助金的申請等等。
This online site brings all of us closer to learning and understanding the importance of historic preservation and the rich history of the Marianas. Mission Statement: The Division of Historic Preservation, is mandated under Public Law 3-39 to (1). Ensure the identification and protection of significant archaeological, historic, and cultural resources in the Commonwealth; (2). Educate the public concerning matters relating to local history, archaeology, culture and historic preservation; and (3). Develop historic and cultural properties to allow them to contribute to the cultural, social, and economic growth of our citizens. Index is attached includes: The Program’s Mission Statement, Goals and Objectives; Application; Publications; Review & Compliance; Affiliated Organizations; Archaeology, Architecture, and History; Archaeology Inventory; Current News (Home); Contact Information; Review & Compliance; Educational Activities; Grant Assistance; etc.

地址:106319 台北巿羅斯福路四段一號 國立臺灣大學總圖書館北側廣場地面層
電話:(02)3366-3776   FAX:(02)3366-3770    
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