依族群 主題   
iTaukei Land Trust Board 斐濟原住民土地託管理事會
製作單位:iTaukei Land Trust Board
族群: 南島語族  
主題: 法律政治、農耕漁獵、機關團體名錄  
地點: 其他 其他    

斐濟原住民土地託管理事會(前身為The Native Land Trust Board)於一九四零年在斐濟群島成立,目的為了安全、保護和管理當地原住民地主的權益以及便利與其相關的商業交易。該組織所管理的是一八八零年由大英帝國簽訂永久讓渡契約下87%的原生地。簡單來說就是這些土地永遠屬於土地擁有單位除非有公眾目的而被賣回給國家,否則不得出售。土地承租契約的年限因使用目的不同而有所不同,從用作農業目的三十年契約到大部分是作為其他用途的九十九年契約 (像商業、住宅等等)。該組織的遠景是 ”致力於全面並有效參與斐濟原住民地主在全國和經濟上的發展”。 該組織也是連結投資者與不同開發方式的土地擁有者的橋梁。網站搜尋標題有土地保有權、租約的取得、土地清單、投資資訊等等。

The Native Land Trust Board was established in Fiji in 1940 for the purpose of securing, protecting and managing land ownership rights assigned to local indigenous landowners and to facilitate the commercial transactions that revolve around its use. Native land, managed by NLTB, comprises 87% of all the land in Fiji and was permanently deeded by the British Crown in the 1880’s. To put it simply, this land cannot be sold. It will forever remain as property of the landowning unit unless sold back to the State and then solely for public purpose. Native land is available for public use by lease agreement. Leases can vary from 30 years for agricultural purposes up to 99 years for most other uses (commercial, residential, etc). The vision of the NLTB is "To achieve full and effective participation of Fijian/native landowners in national and economic development". NLTB is the body that links investors to landowning units who own the land earmarked for any type of development. The searching subjects as follows: Land Tenure, Acquiring Leases, Property List, Investing, etc.

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