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Aboriginal Languages of Australia澳洲原住民語言
製作單位:Aboriginal Languages of Australia
族群: 澳洲原住民  
主題: 族群語言、資料庫  
地點: 全臺 全部  

澳洲原住民有超過兩百種語言。名為強勢但仍瀕危的語言僅少於二十種,其他的語言都已經被破壞殆盡,只剩下殘留在老人記憶中的語言,或是正由社區試圖恢復中的語言。透過本網站有註解的連結,可找到兩百六十七項資源約八十種語言。其中約有 35%的這些資源來自澳洲原住民本身的創作或是出版。讀者可以用澳洲州名或區域名稱、原住民語言或以類型來搜尋網站。

There are more than 200 Australian Indigenous languages. Less than 20 of these languages are strong, and even those are endangered: the others have been destroyed, live in the memories of the elderly, or are being revived by their communities. This Virtual Library website has annotated links to 267 resources for over 80 languages. Over 35% of these resources are produced or published by Indigenous people. Readers can use the Australian state and region name, Aboriginal language or type to search the website.

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