依族群 主題   
Native Planet原住民星球
製作單位:Native Planet
族群: 其他民族  
主題: 文化慣習、觀光旅遊  
地點: 其他 其他    

原住民星球是一個非政府組織,致力於原住民族的自強以及保存世界上少數民族的文化。傳統原住民族群體不但對自然資源的完善保存與永續消費上做了全球的榜樣,同時還是地球上剩餘未開發原生地與生物多樣性的監護人。為了幫助這些原住民群體向全球發聲,使保護原住民族受到重視,同時,原住民族的生活方式,也可經由原住民星球的資料檔,讓世界聽到傳統原住民族的心聲。原住民星球以經驗匯成照片和記事,把世界文化介紹給讀者,而這些世界文化在面對經濟現代化和全球化中,為仍能保有原住民族的古老方式而掙扎求存。Native Planet is a non-governmental organization dedicated to the self-empowerment of indigenous peoples and the preservation of world ethnic cultures. Traditional groups are not only global role models for successful conservation and sustainable consumption of natural resources; they are also the guardians of our planet''s remaining wilderness and biological diversity. Helping these groups speak for themselves to a global audience is crucial to their protection and Native Planet''s documentation of indigenous lifestyles gives traditional people a voice the world can hear. The accounts and photographs of our experiences will introduce you to world cultures struggling to retain their ancient ways in the face of economic modernization and globalization.

地址:106319 台北巿羅斯福路四段一號 國立臺灣大學總圖書館北側廣場地面層
電話:(02)3366-3776   FAX:(02)3366-3770    
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