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Native American Indian Association of Tennessee (NAIA)北美田納西州印第安人協會
製作單位:Native American Indian Association of Tennessee
族群: 美洲原住民  
主題: 獎勵補助、就業服務、族群教育、技職培訓、醫療保健、機關團體名錄  
地點: 全臺 全部  

NAIA 致力於提供廣泛的服務,包括求職培訓和就業安置、專職培訓、獎助學金、雙語教育以及其他教育服務、健康醫療服務、文化的振興和危機時刻的緊急援助。 NAIA 盡量做到不分性別或族別來代表所有美洲印第安原住民族。因為在田納西州沒有印第安人的保留區,所以印第安人一直無法得到州政府或聯邦政府的認可也得不到任何服務。NAIA的憲章規定NAIA不可以用組織的名稱來參與任何政治活動。不論成員的各自政治立場為何,NAIA必須保持不參與任何政治活動來確保資金無損,如此才能滿足美洲印第安原住民族在田納西州的需求。

NAIA is committed to providing a broad range of services including job training and placement, vocational training, scholarships, bilingual and other educational services, health services, cultural and emergency assistance in times of crisis. NAIA strives to represent all Native American Indians regardless of sex or tribe. Because there are no reservations in Tennessee, there has been no state or federal recognition of the Indian population and no services directed to them. Our charter does not permit the NAIA to become involved, as an organization, in any political issues. Regardless of the personal or political views of the individual members, we must stay uninvolved in political issues to insure that our funding is not jeopardized and that we can meet the needs of all Native American Indians of Tennessee.

地址:106319 台北巿羅斯福路四段一號 國立臺灣大學總圖書館北側廣場地面層
電話:(02)3366-3776   FAX:(02)3366-3770    
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