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Manikay.com 曼尼凱網站
族群: 澳洲原住民  
主題: 音樂  
地點: 全臺 全部  

這個網站是專門為以出世界聞名的音樂及藝術天才的阿納姆地的原住民而設。儘管本網站的重點是阿納姆地的傳統音樂,但有些介於領域邊緣的項目因為被廣泛定義所以也包括在內。該數據庫收藏的詞曲大都是由商業發行具有阿納姆地傳統音樂特色的專輯和電影。This website is dedicated to the Aboriginal peoples of Arnhem Land whose musical and artistic genius are world-renowned. While the focus of this website is traditional music from Arnhem Land, some items on the fringe of the territory as it is commonly defined are included. The database contains notes and song information from the majority of all commercially released albums and films featuring traditional Arnhem Land music.

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