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The Great Eastern Ranges 大東澳山脈
製作單位:The Great Eastern Ranges
族群: 澳洲原住民  
主題: 環境生態保育、機關團體名錄  
地點: 其他 其他    

大東澳山脈指的是有山和有懸崖峭壁的澳洲東部,包括劃分開澳洲東部沿海地區與平原內陸的大分水嶺和大懸崖。這個網站的遠景是使大東澳山脈的生態系統變得健康和與外界有連結,促進社區和原始動植物的長期經濟、社會、文化和精神上的福利。這個網站的任務是保證新南威爾士州的社區 -包括州政府機構和當地政府、地主,商業代表,社區團體和研究人員 - 在一個有效的長期合作夥伴關係下去保存、連接、保護和重建動植物的棲息地和集水區,也就是指大東澳山脈區沿著新南威爾士州的一千兩百公里的區域。

The Great Eastern Ranges are the mountainous ranges and escarpments of eastern Australia – including the Great Dividing Range and the Great Escarpment – separating Australia''s eastern coastal fringe from the plains and the interior. This web site’s vision is for the ecosystems of Australia''s Great Eastern Ranges to be healthy and connected, contributing to the long-term economic, social, cultural and spiritual wellbeing of the community, and of native plants and animals. This web site’s mission is to engage the New South Wales community – including state government agencies and local government, landowners, industry representatives, community groups and researchers – in an effective long-term partnership to conserve, connect, protect and rehabilitate plant and animal habitats and catchments of the Great Eastern Ranges of Australia along 1,200 km of NSW.

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